第一步:创建Amazon S3账号 登入http://www.amazon.com/s3网站,创建好自己的账号, 接受信用卡支付。 创建好账号后得到你自己的Access Key ID 和Secret Access Key。 上传下载文件需要用到这两个key,相当于你账号的密码。 第二步:安装 s3sync s3sync需要ruby支持, Debian/Ubuntu系统可以通过 “$ sudo apt-get ...
host_base是S3服务所使用的ip地址(包括端口号)。 host_bucket为S3用户下的一个bucket(可在配置之后再创建,但该字段不能为空)。 s3cmd 2.2.0(最新版),在某些不兼容v4的情况下,需要使用signature_v2,否则会发起两次签名重试请求。 4. 例子 One of the most powerful commands of s3cmd is s3cmd sync used ...
Sync Amazon S3 bucket to FS: s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET -w 128 s3://shared fs:///opt/backups/s3/ Sync S3 bucket with custom endpoint to FS: s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET --se "" -w 128 s3://shared fs:///opt/backups/s3/ ...
passusedforsecurity=False(the MD5 sum isn't used as a cryptographic hash) and attempt to handle FIPS errors more gracefully. ISSUE TYPE COMPONENT NAME s3_sync ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Build succeeded. ✔️ansible-galaxy-importerSUCCESS in 3m 35s ✔️build-ansible-collectionSUCCESS in 5m 06s ...
AWS CLI以及AWS S3 SYNC命令行使用 1、到AWS的IAM创建用户,并且获取到访问密钥 ID 和私有访问密钥。下载密钥并保存。 2、到http://docs.amazonaws.cn/cli/latest/userguide/installing.html#install-msi-on-windows 下载对应系统的AWS CLI MSI软件。
“Kubernetes(常简称为 K8s)是用于自动部署、扩展和管理容器化(containerized)应用程序的开源系统。该...
Namespace Aws\S3\Sync Classes summary AbstractSync Class that holds an event dispatcher AbstractSyncBuilder ChangedFilesIterator Iterator used to filter an internal iterator to only yield files that do not exist in the target iterator or files that have changed DownloadSync Downloads and Amazon S3...
s3sync.rb:290:in `+': can't convert nil into Array (TypeError) from s3sync.rb:290:in `s3TreeRecurse' from s3sync.rb:346:in `main' from ./thread_generator.rb:79:in `call' from ./thread_generator.rb:79:in `initialize' from ./thread_generator.rb:76:in `new' ...
It synchronizes a local directory to an Amazon S3 cloud storage bucket. After the sync is complete, a validation step is taken. An error is reported if the contents of the bucket do not match the source directory, or if the indicated size for any file differs. Generally, one can run ...
默认从近到远Ls –t / -r倒序,经常配合-t使用Ls –tr / -c配合-lt 根据ctim ...