S32K344-WB是一款适用于通用工业和汽车应用的评估和开发板,作为开发板核心的S32K344微控制器,基于32位ArmCortex-M7内核,提供锁步模式配置的双核,采用BGA 257封装。S32K344-WB支持广泛的ASIL D安全硬件和外设,包括FS26安全系统基础芯片、SJA1105以太网交换机和用于AVB演示和消息路由的100BASE-T1。NCK2910射频接收器...
Dear Experts, We are making an HVBMS and decided to order some hardware to get familiar with the NXP ecosystem. Ultamatly we want to have a HVBMS but to start we just want some simple functions on the Whiteboard(S32K344-WB). I've divided this relative simple quest in multiple parts....
can anyone will help with WB S32k344 (SPI Async loopback ) example code or something . we are struggling here with it . The scenario is like , We want to get SPI UP . we are configured SPI and called below functions . Spi_Init(NULL_PTR); Spi_SetAsyncMode(SPI_INTERRUPT...
Is it the S32K344-WB Evaluation Board for Automotive General Purpose? There is a Spi_Example_47478A_440_100 project in the S32K344 Whiteboard Example Project for your reference. (C:\NXP\S32K344_Whiteboard_Example_RTM_1.0.0\S32K344_Whiteboard_Example_RTM_1.0.0\SPI\Spi_Example_47478A_440...
Is it the S32K344-WB Evaluation Board for Automotive General Purpose? There is a Spi_Example_47478A_440_100 project in the S32K344 Whiteboard Example Project for your reference. (C:\NXP\S32K344_Whiteboard_Example_RTM_1.0.0\S32K344_Whiteboard_Example_RTM_1.0.0\SPI\Spi_Example_47478A_440...