I turn on compiler optimizations in my project, but got some errors while trying to rebuild the code:Program "gcc" not found in PATH [Discovery Options] page in project properties C/C++ Problem What can I do to fix this error? Thank you. Solved! Go to Solution. Tags: gcc optimizati...
I am trying to migrate a project which was originally made in S32DS for PA Version 2017.R to S32DS for PA Version 2.1.I corrected all relevant paths accordingly, but when I try to build the project I get the error message "Program "gcc" not found in PATH". I checked the PATH ...
Since CWE ARM projects use the GCC compiler just like S32DS, migration is straightforward enough, compared to Power Architecture, for the process to be automated. The project importer adjusts the sysroot, which specifies the path to compiler libraries, to link to the S32DS libraries. The ...
• Redundant code for configuring pins can be found in the examples. • Hello World project S32K146 cannot be debugged on IAR IDE, since the IDE version supported by the SDK does not support S32K146. • After partitioning Flash for CSEc operation, using the JLink Flash configuration ...
Select the S32K144_SDK_gcc SDK: S32K144 SDK Press OK. Now the SDK is selected: Selected SDK Press Finish to create the project. In Eclipse I have now the project created: Basic Project Now it would be good time to build (menu Project > Build Project) and debug (Menu Run > Debug...
S32 Design Studio: Program "gcc" not found in PATH 发帖者alexpan0523发帖时间07-04-201811:18 PM99于06-15-202308:51 PM最新发帖 0 8 Kernel copy_1to1_ipus seems not work in my Graph 发帖者lihongjun发帖时间06-07-202303:47 AMlihongjun于06-15-202306:53 PM最新发帖 ...
Thanks for replying, i am getting this: Program "gcc" not found in PATH S32K144_PT2001_EXAMPLE [Discovery Options] page in project properties C/C++ Problem Eitan 0 Kudos Reply 09-16-2019 06:14 AM 3,699 Views jiri_kral NXP Employee Hi, Please use build variables in Project ...
Hi, the project is probably based on old toolchain with gcc v 4.9 which is not present in S32DS v3.4 and in S32DS for ARM v2.2. was changed path to
login click on Apps and Services > "Software Licensing and Support > Click on View Accounts Step 5. In product information page look for the "Offline Activation" option on the left menu. Step 6. Click on "Choose File" and select the "request.xml" file generated in Step 2. ...
S32 Design Studio 3.6.0 - Main Features This short video discuss the main features introduced with the S32 Design Studio 3.6.0 A comparison between S32DS 3.5 and 3.6 in regards to the product architecture & release changes is shown, followed by a quick overvie...