二、 php.ini配置文件 php.ini中影响上传的有以下几处: file_uploads 是否开启 on 必须开启 是否允许HTTP文件上传 post_max_size = 8M PHP接受的POST...此设定也影响到文件上传。 要上传大文件,该值必须大于"upload_max_filesize" 如果配置脚本中激活了内存限制,"memory_limit"也会影响文件上传。...upload_...
下面是我的php.ini设置 upload_max_filesize = 1200M post_max_size = 1200M max_input_vars = 1000 memory_limit = -1 max_file_uploads = 20 max_execution_time = 7200 max_input_time = 7200 max_input_vars = 1000 我可以上传一个100 1gb 浏览2提问于2017-03-23得票数 0 1回答 如何使用直接...
`async handleUpload(resume) { if (!this.container.files) return; const filesArr = this.container.files; var tempFilesArr = this.tempFilesArr; for (let i = 0; i < tempFilesArr.length; i++) { const fileChunkList = this.createFileChunk( filesArr[tempFilesArr[i].index] ); // hash...
"use client"; import { useS3FileUpload } from "next-s3-uploader"; function UploadPage() { const { uploadedFiles, uploadFiles } = useS3FileUpload({ multiple: true, // Allow multiple flie uploads (optional) maxFiles: 10, // 10 files limit (optional) maxFileSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024,...
I can successfully upload files up to 2GB in size but get an error when I try and upload anything larger and hit the 2GB/2147483648 byte limit. The last few lines of the error are: File "c:\users\osdm\appdata\local\programs\python\python38-32\lib\site-packages\botocore\handlers.py",...
Using this new feature, you can break a 5 GB upload (the current limit on the size of an S3 object) into as many as 1024 separate parts and upload each one independently, as long as each part has a size of 5 megabytes (MB) or more. If an upload of a part fails it can be res...
vodConfig Object 视频云参数,密钥类型为 VOD_UPLOAD 时必须传递。为一个对象,例如:{"vn":"Video","filename":"a.mp4"},具体支持的字段见下方补充表格 scopes Array 云存储范围参数,密钥类型为 OSS_UPLOAD / OSS_FULL / OSS_CUSTOM 时必须传递。表示生成的密钥生效的范围,为一个字符串数组,其中每个字符串表...
There is no minimum size limit on the last part of your multipart upload. ItemSpecification Maximum object size 5 TiB Maximum number of parts per upload 10,000 Part numbers 1 to 10,000 (inclusive) Part size 5 MiB to 5 GiB. There is no minimum size limit on the last part of your ...
s3.upload_file('/tmp/hello.txt', 'doc-example-bucket', 'hello.txt') On other instance types, you can use thes3transferpackage to access the CRT with Boto3, although we don’t yet consider this package stable and it may change in the future. ...
$chk = S3::upload($file,"videoOrganizer_v0/files/", stripslashes($arr[$arr_keys[$i]]['name'])); unlink($file);if(!$chk['bool']) { $chk['bool'] =false; $chk['message'] = $filePath . $arr[$arr_keys[$i]]['name'] ." failed toupload!!!";break; ...