ceph 使用 bucket 作为存储桶(存储空间),实现对象数据的存储和多用户隔离,数据存储在bucket 中,用户的权限也是针对 bucket 进行授权,可以设置用户对不同的 bucket 拥有不同的权限,以实现权限管理。 #bucket特性: 11. 存储空间(bucket)是用于存储对象(Object)的容器,所有的对象都必须隶属于某个存储空间,可以设置和修...
s3-bucket-cross-region-replication-enabled s3-bucket-default-lock-enabled s3-bucket-logging-enabled s3-bucket-policy-grantee-check s3-bucket-policy-not-more-permissive s3-bucket-public-read-prohibited s3-bucket-public-write-prohibited s3-bucket-replication-enabled s3-bucket-server-side-encryption-enabl...
The following example policy denies any objects from being written to the bucket if they aren’t encrypted with SSE-KMS by using a specific KMS key ID. Even if the objects are encrypted with SSE-KMS by using a per-request header or bucket default encryption, the objects can't be written...
aws_s3_bucket_policy Attaches a policy to an S3 bucket resource. Example Usage Using versioning yamlhcl resource:aws_s3_bucket:b:aws_s3_bucket_policy:b:bucket:'${aws_s3_bucket.b.bucket}'policy:'${data.aws_iam_policy_document.b.json}'data:aws_iam_policy_document:b:...
"Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::my_bucket/*"] } ] } Note that the S3 bucket policy includes aPrincipalelement, which lists the principals that bucket policy controls access for. ThePrincipalelement is unnecessary in an IAM policy because the principal is by default the enti...
我需要一些生成的S3桶具有所有可移植的权限-读和写是强制性的。到目前为止,我尝试使用以下代码来实现它: var createBucketParams = {Bucket: bucketName,ACL: 'public-read-write', GrantFullControl,我在尝试使用AccessDenied ()时得到了getObject(),有什么想法可以解决吗?= new AWS.S ...
配置AWS访问凭证:在命令行界面中运行aws configure命令,并按照提示提供AWS访问凭证,包括Access Key ID、Secret Access Key、Default region name和Default output format。 设置S3存储桶配置:使用aws s3api put-bucket-website命令来配置S3存储桶的网站托管设置。例如,要将存储桶配置为静态网站托管,可以运行以下...
根据3.1文件:http://www.datastax.com/docs/datastax_enterprise3.1/solutions/about_hive .下:在...
s3:GetBucketLogging |Grants permission to return the logging status of an Amazon S3 bucket and the permissions users have to view or modify that status. s3:GetEncryptionConfiguration |Grants permission to return the default encryption configuration to an Amazon S3 bucket. ...
Policy Permission Judgment Logic¶ A policy results in a default deny if conditions in any statement of the policy are not met. If all conditions in statements are met, the policy results in either an allow or an explicit deny. If a bucket policy contains multiple statements, the policy de...