upload_fileobj 的要点是文件对象不必首先存储在本地磁盘上,但可以在 RAM 中表示为文件对象。 Python 有用于此目的的 标准库模块。 代码看起来像 import io import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3') fo = io.BytesIO(b'my data stored as file object in RAM') s3.upload_fileobj(fo, 'mybucket', '...
filename,bucketName):success=Falsetry:bucket=s3_resource.Bucket(bucketName)except ClientErrorase:bucke...
No I meant for the S3 client to first check existing file eTag before trying to upload. I'm not trying to avoid accidental overwrite (otherwise indeed I'd have used Object Versioning) but rather avoid the charge of PutObject API calls when unnecessary. Member debora-ito commented Dec 15, ...
private String file_path="E:/music/china/yuanzougaofei.mp3"; /** * 上传文件到指定的bucket中。 * 注意点:这里的本地路径的文件必须存在才行,不然文件不存在回异常。 */ public void uploadObj(){ final AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(); try { s3.putObject(bucket_name, key_name, file_path...
client.PutObject(request); success =true; }catch(Exception ex) {// swallow everything for now.} }returnsuccess; } 开发者ID:raynjamin,项目名称:Sitecore-S3-Media,代码行数:27,代码来源:S3Client.cs 示例2: UploadImage ▲点赞 10▼ privatestaticS3FileUploadImage(stringkey, Stream inputStream){vars...
*@paramstring $filename File name *@paramstring $uploadDir Relative file path *@returnstring Relative path to created file, false if there were errors */publicfunctionwrite($data, $filename ='', $uploadDir =''){// Upload data to Amazon S3$this->client->putObject(array('Bucket'=>$this...
Complete Multipart Upload is a bit weird in the REST API. Rather than return a failed HTTP code for a failure, it returns 200 OK immediately and then may later, at its leisure, send back an error. This is described in the API docs here: ...
在每一个文件上传时,都要先与服务器建立连接,并获取唯一的uploadId //建立连接 //key标识文件的名称 //type为文件的类型 //s3为创建bucket时建立的S3Client async createMultipartUpload(bucket, key, s3, type) {// string, string const params = { ...
() .withS3Client(amazonS3) .build(); Upload upload = tm.upload(putObjectRequest); return upload.waitForUploadResult(); } /** * 预签名上传文件默认包日期 * * @param amazonS3 amazon s3 * @param bucket 桶 * @param expiration 过期时间 * @param bundle 包 * @param key key * @return {...
defer file.Close() uploader := s3manager.NewUploader(sess) _, err = uploader.Upload(&s3manager.UploadInput{ Bucket: aws.String(bucket), Key: aws.String(filename), Body: file, }) if err != nil { // Print the error and exit. ...