通过Terraform删除非空的S3 Bucket可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 配置Terraform环境:确保已经安装并配置了Terraform,并且具备访问目标云服务提供商的权限。 创建Terraform配置文件:在项目目录中创建一个新的Terraform配置文件(例如,main.tf)。 配置提供商和资源:在配置文件中添加提供商(例如,AWS)和S3 Bucket资源的定义。可以指...
for_each =module.bucket_objects.filesbucket=aws_s3_bucket.bucket.idkey="dist/${each.key}"content_type = each.value.content_typesource=each.value.source_pathetag=each.value.digests.md5 } When I migrated my Terraform state to the Cloud, the followingterraform planwanted to de...
The problem I am having is while uploading the infra folder also gets uploaded. What edits I can make in my code, to avoid the infra folder from being uploaded to s3 bucket as I do not want that. Upload everything but the infra folder. Thanks in advance...
Terraform aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration 无法删除 S3 文件夹的内容问题描述 投票:0回答:1我有一个通过 Terraform 创建的 S3 存储桶,以及一个生命周期策略,可在 3 天后使 athena_results/ 下的所有内容过期。我的代码如下。我遇到的问题是,此生命周期策略不会在 3 天后删除 athena_results/ 下的数据...
not needed to “create a bucket then enable bucket encryption on that bucket”. If you try to do so using awscli with “–debug” you won’t see any of those API calls mentioned in my previous message. So, the question should be why Terraform is ini...
Terraform Configuration Files resource"aws_s3_bucket_acl""example"{bucket=aws_s3_bucket.example.idacl="private"} Debug Output Error: error getting S3 bucket ACL (backup,private): BucketRegionError: incorrect region, the bucket is not in 'ap-southeast-2' region at endpoint '', bucket is in...
terraform-aws-s3-bucket Description Terraform module for creating an S3 bucket. Will be used forHashiTalks: Africa 2023. Features: Creates an S3 bucket. AWS documentation Prerequisites None. Usage Seeexamplesdropdown on Terraform Cloud, orbrowse here. ...
Using Terraform Note:An S3 bucket can be deemed compliant if implements eitheracl = "private"or sets the"aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block"feature options totrue. The following Terraform configuration file uses both for added security. 01Terraform configuration file (.tf): ...
In this blog post we discussed how to provision an EC2 based Storage Gateway using Terraform by Hashicorp. We outlined steps to deploy an AWS Storage Gateway on Amazon EC2, activate your AWS Storage Gateway within AWS, create an Amazon S3 bucket, and create an NFS file share that...