【普普通通板砖大屏:联想 S25-e30】皮实,好用,护眼... 找个大碗办公显示器那就它了... http://t.cn/A6CcTgXa
联想s25e30..刚到货 感觉品控有点差啊 坏点有两三个...还有几处没拍 直接收起来准备退了 纠结还要不要换 要买的朋友多注意
对于对于大部分办公人群来说,因为需要长时间面对电脑屏幕,所以每天眼睛都会觉得很累,眼睛之所以干涩和困乏的主要原因就是公司所使用的显示器并没有能够在护眼上提供有效的防护。 虽然现在市面上很多显示器都宣称具有多种护眼功能,但实际上很多入门显示器在护眼功能上依然采用的是软件层面的滤蓝光,虽然其能减少蓝光的穿...
联想ThinkVision s25e-30#联想 #办公显示器 全显示器想办公更具世界美感,我看也只有这款联想的 cro 一杠三零,牛灰色的搭配外观让商务风格融入其中。屏幕正面也是展示了三边两毫米的微边框,一百七十八度广式表,提升了一种世界
A sun tracking panel for a solar house includes a support structure having a horizontally oriented arcuate mounting face. Horizontal guide rails are attached to arcuate mounting face of the support structure. A solar panel support is mounted on the guide rails. A solar panel is supported by the...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To display the positions currently under playing of text, code names, etc., according to the progression of music playing by changing the display form of the positions currently under playing of a previously displayed support display in accordance with the support display dev...
Present work reports the maximum size record of Pterois miles for Turkish Seas with some additional biological information. The greatest individual of P. miles was caught off kertme Bight, Bodrum (Southern Aegean Sea) at 10 m depth with a spear gun on 15 July 2021. Captured individual of dev...
摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a transmission/reception circuit and a transmission/reception method which are capable of reducing the insertion loss of a circuit during hybrid operation and suitable for cost reduction, miniaturization, and the reduction of power consumption....
ONE of consumers' main concerns when it comes to every-day use in conditioning products is waxy build-up on the hair. Luvitol Lite from BASE represented locally by Protea Speciality Chemicals, is a cosmetic oil that can help overcome this problem, while still conditioning the hair to a silky...
摘要: The article reviews the film "Like Someone in Love," directed by Abbas Kiarostami and starring Rin Takanashi.年份: 2012 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 EBSCO 相似文献Mix and match: when you fall in love with someone who doesn't look like you, the naysayers will ...