The Galaxy S24 is the smartphone line up from Samsung. Released in January 2024, there are three models for you to get your hands on: theGalaxy S24 Ultra,the Galaxy S24+, and the Galaxy S24. These phones bring with them epic innovations and enhancements over the previousGalaxy S23 seri...
Interested in finding out how theSamsung Galaxy S24 seriesstacks up against theGalaxy S23 series? Even if you’re a Galaxy expert or just after a nice new phone, the handy table below outlines the key specifications of the models from each series, which will help you make the right decisi...
Compara especificaciones, funcionalidades y fechas de entrega para el Samsung Galaxy S24 - 128 GB - Negro ónix y el Samsung Galaxy S23 FE de 128 GB, grafito en AT&T
Samsung Galaxy S24+Rated 4.6184 out of 5 fill=#1d2329fill=#1d2329fill=#1d2329fill=#1d2329fill=#1d2329 4.6 4KThis device is no longer available. $27.78/mo. Retail price starting at: $999.99 Req.’s 0% APR 36-mo. agmt and svc. Well-qual. customers. See price detailsShop...
如果你追求极致的性能和配置,而且预算充足的话,那么S24 Ultra肯定是不二之选。但如果你更注重性价比,而且觉得S23 Ultra的性能和配置已经足够满足你的需求,那么现在降价迎新的S23 Ultra也是一个不错的选择。总之呢,这两款手机都是目前手机界的翘楚之作,无论选择哪一款都不会让你失望。不过话说回来,你们觉得...
Galaxy S24 Ultra则搭载了更先进的骁龙8 Gen3旗舰处理器,在性能和能效比方面都有了明显的提升。这意味着无论是多任务处理还是大型游戏运行,S24 Ultra都能轻松应对。而且,虽然电池容量同样为5000mAh,但由于处理器的优化,理论上其电池节能效率更高。此外,S24 Ultra还支持15W无线充电,充电方式更加灵活多样。总...
感觉s24仗着芯片优势,npu和isp应该提升不少;s23u纯粹是主摄像素高、进光量多些(f1.7 vs f1.8...
Toată lumea vrea sa vadă cât de bun este S24U fata de S23U. Asa a fost și anul trecut când a apărut S23U vs S22U și tot asa.Cred ca ție nu prea îți place ideea ca a apărut un alt Samsung mai bun decât al tău știind deja fa ai dat ...
S24+ S23U S24+ S23U S24+ S23U Hat jemand von euch auch mal das s23 U mit nem S24(+) verglichen ? 5 Likes Antworten 23 Antworten Vorherige 1 2 3 Nächste DrOgelix Big Cheese 26-01-2024 12:09 AM - bearbeitet 26-01-2024 12:59 AM Ich muss ehrlich zugeben...