Discover the latest Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra smartphone with refined Nightime Cameras, 6.8" 120Hz adaptive anti-glare display and epic performance.
Galaxy S23, S23+ and S23 Ultra are rated as IP68. Based on lab test conditions for submersion in up to 1.5 metres of freshwater for up to 30 minutes. Not advised for beach or pool use. Water and dust resistance of device is not permanent and may diminish over time because of normal...
冲三星S23 Ultra的网友,估计这会肠子都悔青了三星最大的亮点,无疑就是屏幕了,毕竟连苹果这样的科技巨头,在iPhone的屏幕选择上都离不开三星,就更加不用说三星自己了,买三星S23 Ultra,很多都是冲着屏幕去的吧,但谁都没想到,就这一个优势被国产旗舰轻松超越...
- Hast du also ungesicherte Daten auf dem Smartphone? Dann könnte wirklich nur ein Fachbetrieb über die Platine direkt am Speichermodul die Daten auslesen (WENN diese nicht zusätzlich durch den PIN verschlüsselt sind. Den die Verschlüsselung kann man ja im Smartphone extra aktivieren und...
Forgot the password, PIN, or other screen locks of your Samsung S21/S21 Ultra/S22/S23? Don't allow this mistake to get the better of you; let's show you how to unlock your Samsung S21/S22/S23 screen lock.
Received my s23 ultra earlier. After testing the phone, I took a nap. However, I decided to add another sim on the slot when I woke up. I accidentally inserted the sim ejector pin to one of the tiny mic holes at the bottom with enough force thinking to eject the sim slot. M...
三星S23Ultra用了一阵子,不吹不黑,说说我的真实感受: 1、颜值确实逆天,安卓天花板!但机身真的太宽太重,握持有很大压力。 2、续航远没有传说的那么神,甚至很一般。(不降低使用体验的情况下) 3、拍照在旗舰里中规中矩,但拍视频很6! 4、震动马达在旗舰里排倒数,是比较差的那种。
Screen >7" Cellular GSM, WCDMA, LTE, 5G CPU Deca Core Battery Capacity 6000-6999mAh Model Number S23+ ULTRA Screen Resolution 1440x3040 Front Camera 32.0 Mp Quick charge 120W Rear Camera 64MP Display Type OLED Display refresh rate
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Pinkson 三星S24手机壳Ultra保护套凯夫拉芳纶纤维碳纤维超薄创意全包磨砂硬壳防摔轻薄配件简约高档商务新 带加号的 168.2元(需用券) 京东 11-25 00:13 0 0 PITAKA 适用三星S23手机壳MagSafe式磁吸凯夫拉浮织600D细纹芳纶半包超薄亲肤碳纤维纹简约防摔男款保护套 黑灰细斜纹·600D丨MagSafe式磁吸 319元(...