Also, the 200MP sensor will be basically the same size as that of the S22 Ultra (108MP, 1/1.33”) but will be behind a slightly brighter aperture – f/1.7 vs. f/1.8.Ice Universehas been praising the S23 Ultra’s performancein the darkbut is yet to share ...
Solved: Hello. Can someone please inform me about the Galaxy S22, S22+, S23 and S23+, what are the Bluetooth standards (type aptx HD, etc) and the
Display should be wqhd in s23 plus but not only sd8gen2 is better than s22plus not so much changes you will feel so wait for next year Reply ? Anonymous xhm 01 May 2023 Anonymous, 30 Apr 2023Is it worth to upgrade from s22+ to s23+ ?If money is not an issue and you got ...
Samsung gave me a discount on a S22 Ultra then that i still use today just to be sure to get the max on photo quality. Wether the S22 was faulty or not was not of any concern; direct money back. This offcouse could only float in the first weeks after purchase. Bought from Samsung...
Updated this phone from the S22. Better battery and faster processor! I was going to buy the S23 Plus because of the bigger battery for Doordash but 3900 mah is more than enough! Pair it as always with the Otterbox commuter series ...
The Samsung Galaxy S23 features an identical three-camera setup on its back as the Galaxy S22's (wide, UW, 3x tele), but it does bring a new selfie camera...
接下来,我们将三星 Galaxy S23+ 与 iPhone 14 Plus 全面对比:优缺点一目了然。 一、外观设计 +8 分享412 手机吧 逗比豆豆豆逗▫ 买三星s23+一个月后我后悔了6300左右买的8+512版本,除了美貌一无是处,还不如我20年买的findx2好用,想换机了怎么办 分享3赞 手机吧 飞踹飞飞踹 看看三星S23系列这三...
Galaxy S23+是三星于2023年2月2日发布的手机,iPhone14 plus是苹果公司于2022年9月8日发布的手机产品。两款手机都是安卓和ios之间的佼佼者,本文将带来三星Galaxy S23+和iPhone 14plus 颜色外观、处理器性能、电池容量、相机、价格几个方面进行分析。 1.三星S23+和iPhone 14 Plus在屏幕和外观设计差异 iPhone 14...
它的后置摄像头采用的是5000万像素的广角镜头、1200万像素的超广角镜头和一颗具有1000万像素 +1 分享37 三星s23吧 雪羽shine 三星Galaxy S23/S23+ 或将采用S22同款长焦镜头消息称三星 Galaxy S23 / S23 Plus 将采用 S22 同款长焦镜头;三星 Galaxy S22 / S22 Plus 的长焦摄像头传感器为三星 S5K3K1,1/3.94...
图1为三星S23 Ultra(右)对比三星S22 Ultra拆解图,我们可以到三星S23 Ultra内部模具相比前代几乎没变,Ifixit表示电池粘合剂有所差异。 而据外媒目前曝光的消息,S24系列将全面更换模具,尤其是S24 Ultra的后置镜头模组。S24 Ultra将直接砍掉原来的3倍变焦,将原来的10倍变焦替换为索尼的可变焦镜头(大概率是索尼),...