大约3秒钟后,屏幕上会出现一个机器人图标。 使用“音量下键”将选项调至“wipe data/factory reset”(即恢复出厂设置),然后按“电源键”确认。 在接下来的界面中,选择“Yes”并按“电源键”确认,以执行数据清除操作。 完成后,使用“音量下键”选择“wipe cache partition”(即清除缓存分区),并按“电源键”确认。
Trending Galaxy S20 FE 5G support Galaxy S20 FE 5G Using recovery mode to reset your device to factory settings Your Android's Recovery Mode can be a powerful tool for troubleshooting your device, but you'll need to navigate its menus using your device's physical buttons. ...
1 三星s20进入双清的步骤方法:1、按住电源键2-3秒,弹出提示界面,点击关机。2、在关机的状态下,同时按住电源键、音量+键和HOME键2-3秒,直至出现手机型号的LOGO。3、接下来进入到Android Recovery页面,在页面上可见“Wipe data/factory reset”,4、然后使用音量+/-键,上下选择,使得光标移动到“Wipe data/f...
等黑屏瞬间按住音量上和电源不放进入recovery),然后用音量键选到wipe data/factory reset选项,然后按下电源键确认,进去之后选择恢复出厂设置,也就是第二个选项,如果没有wipe开头的就选择有关键字reset的选项执行,然后再按电源键确定,执行完之后,用电源键确定下reboot system now就刷好了。
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My Galaxy s20fe started doing exactly the same think 3 days ago out of the blue. 5 mins before it started it was working perfectly. I am at my wits end. Any advice welcome. No SD card inserted. Soft reset (power and vol down) sometimes reboots, more often...
clearing Google data, hard reboot, safe mode (does work fine on safe mode but it's obviously limited to what I can do), maintenance mode (also seems fine in this mode), a reset and a factory reset, I've gone through apps I have installed, uninstalling and reinstalling if it'...
Get Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G (SM-G781U) support for the topic: Device Setup. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
Had the S20 FE for 2 months, it got bent somehow (even though i dont walk with it in my pocket, nor it seemed the have any damages) and stopped charging. The technical support declined helping and said it not under the guerntee anymore. Wouldn't recommend, never happened to me with...