Photodiode for general photometry in visible to near infrared range The S16008-33 is a surface mount type Si photodiode with high sensitivity in the visible to near infrared range. This provides higher sensitivity than the previous S2387 series. Features -High sensitivity in visible to near infr...
The S16008 series is a surface mount type Si photodiode with high sensitivity in the visible to near-infrared region. This provides higher sensitivity than the previous S2387 series. Features -High sensitivity in visible to near-infrared region -Low...
设计师 设计师助理 主案设计师 公司办公地址在宋庄小堡西街53号7-102室,固定工资4-7K具体面谈,试用期一个月,80%工资,五险一金,双休,法定节假日正常休息,年底看业绩,最少双薪奖金,工作满一年有7天年假 职位详情 北京 不限 硕士 男装 服装/纺织设计 岗位职责: 1、负责旗下品牌男装品牌,成衣设计及后期跟进工作...
S16765-01MS S16838-01MS S16008-33 S1223 S1223-01 S1226-18BK Original sensors of Hamamatsu CCD/CMOS/NMOS image sensors for UV-VIS-NIR used for semiconductors Company introduction: We are a leading IC Electronic Components Supplier in China...