S15452-01WT 概述 NIR 增强型通过 TOF(飞行时间)方法测量到物体的距离有效像素数:64 S15452-01WT 数据手册 通过下载S15452-01WT数据手册来全面了解它。这个PDF文档包含了所有必要的细节,如产品概述、功能特性、引脚定义、引脚排列图等信息。 PDF下载 Distance linear image sensor S15452-01WT NIR-enhanced ...
S15452-01WT Contact us NIR-enhanced type measures the distance to an object by TOF (Time-Of-Flight) method The distance image sensor is designed to measure the distance to an object by TOF method. When used in combination with a pulse modulated light source, this sensor outpu...
S15452-01WTContact us NIR-enhanced typemeasures the distance to an object by TOF (Time-Of-Flight) method The distance image sensor is designed to measure the distance to an object by TOF method. When used in combination with a pulse modulated light source, this sensor outputs...