关键词:低雷诺数;气动特性;非线性;分离泡;低频振荡中图分类号:V211.41;V211.7 文献标识码:A doi:10.7638/kqdlxxb-2020.0075Separation bubble and aerodynamic characteristics of S1223 airfoilat low Reynolds numbersWANG Haotian 1,2 ,ZHU Yangzhu 1,3 ,CHE Xueke 1,2,* ,LI Xiuqian 1(1. Department of...
Generally, the aerodynamic performance of airfoil for the application of the propeller of low-dynamic aircrafts in Near Space is mainly effected by Reynolds number, Mach number, the angle of attack, the airfoil chord length b and the airfoil relative thickness C{top}-=c/b, namely f (Re, ...
Rong Ma, Peiqing Liu "Numerical Simulation Of Low- Reynolds-Number And High-Lift Airfoil S1223" Journal Of Wind Engineering 2009R. Ma and P. Liu. Numerical Simulation of Low-Reynolds-Number and High-Lift Airfoil s1223. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, 2, 2009....
ChangX H,MaR,ZhangLP,etal.Numericalstudyofthe phunging-pitching motion of S1223 airfoil [J ]. Acta AerodynamicaSinica,2017,35 (1):62-70 (inChinese) 常兴华,马戎,张来平,等.S1223 翼型俯仰-沉 浮运动的非定常气动特性分析 [J].空气... X Chang,M Rong,L Zhang,... - 《Acta Aerodynamica ...
So the optimized airfoil presented here is propsed as the selected airfoil reference for the high-efficiency propeller of low dynamic vehicles in stratosphere. 2010 by the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences - ICAS. 展开 关键词: multi-objective optimization low Reynolds number airfoil EXTREM...
Selig S1223 high lift low Reynolds number airfoilMax thickness 12.1% at 19.8% chord.Max camber 8.1% at 49% chordSource UIUC Airfoil Coordinates DatabaseSource dat fileThe dat file is in Selig format S1223 1.00000 0.00000 0.99838 0.00126 0.99417 0.00494 0.98825 0.01037 0.98075 0.01646 0.97111 ...
Details of airfoil (aerofoil)(s1223rtl-il) S1223 RTL Richard T. LaSalle modification of the S1223 to S1223RTL
This work show the analysys of a three different airfoil geometris, that showsthe turbine design and how important are this for the existent technologies. Theimporante of cavitation and other physics phenomes it's a critical point onblade design, this mean that its necessary create many ...
The results of this study indicate that the Selig S1223 airfoil profile, due to its superior performance at low Reynolds numbers, high-lift, and reduced noise characteristics at low angles of attack, combined with the use of the high strength carbon fiber, proves to be an excellent choice ...