, the crane functions are config-ured automatically by simply selecting the axis and the set value.The crane functions are integrated in the drive parameter-ization. The parameterization is individually adaptable using the STARTER software or BOP20 or web browser. Cranes | SIMOCRANE in SINAMICS ...
Only component numbers can be entered into this parameter that correspond to an encoder evaluation. Note:If the encoder evaluation and encoder are integrated (motor with DRIVE-CLiQ), then their component numbers are identical. For an SMC, different component numbers are assigned for the SMC (p...
DRIVEYLiQ . 作为所右驱的組件之 间的接口系统可选直流连接组件多轴的■(DC.AC)的系的成 DC-AC S120的系统组成如卜图所示: DC AC形式的S120模块第一章S120产品介 SinamicsS120集矢量控制与伺服控制于一身.分为DC-AC与AC?AC两种类型,所谓DC-AC.是指 控制位元.整流、逆变都为如〉模块?目前DC?AC类型功率...
r0945[2](3)Visualizationparameter945,index2ofdriveobject3 p0795.4Adjustableparameter795,bit4 Notationforfaultsandalarms(examples): F1234Fault1234 A5678Alarm5678 Generalnotation: Thesign“”means“isequalto” ©SiemensAG2006AllRightsReserved SINAMICSS120FunctionManual,03/2006Editionix ...
drive object numbers 399 Example 1: read parameters 399 Example 2: write parameters (multi-parameter request) 401 10.2 Communication via PROFIBUS DP 405 10.2.1 General information about PROFIBUS 405 General information about PROFIBUS for SINAMICS 405 Example: telegram structure for cyclic data ...
• Ensure that the safety functions used in your drives and automation tasks are adjusted and activated through appropriate parameterizing. • Perform a function test. • Only put your plant into live operation once you have absolutely guaranteed that the functions relevant to safety are ...
有7种任务供选择,分别是POSITIONING(位置方式)、Endless_POS /Endless_NEG(正/反向速度方式)、WAITING(等待parameter中指定的时间后执行下一步)、GOTO(跳转到parameter中指定的程序步)、Set_O/Reset_O(置位/复位parameter中指定的开关量输出点),如图5-52的标记“2”处。
The safe actual values for a drive are provided by two separate encoders. The actual values are transferred to the Control Unit over DRIVE-CLiQ. When motors without a DRIVE-CLiQ connection are used, a Sensor Module must be provided.
西门子6SE70说明书2.pdf Evaluation Warning : The document was created with Spire.PDF for .NET.EMC3 EMC3.1SIMOVERTMASTERDRIVE... 页数:26页格式:pdf 下载文档 西门子6SE70说明书3.pdf 44.1Function Parameter for time slotparam... 页数:9页格式:pdf 下载文档 西门子5020说明书SIEMENS.pdf 页数:...