written. When preparing documents for NAVSEA S1000D will be used for style, format, data modules, etc., however, content will be authored to meet the requirements of TMCR-NDMS-PCS1LE-000. When preparing documents for NAVAIR, S1000D will be used for style, format, data modules, etc., ...
The File > New > Document command prompts for the template that will form the foundation of the new document. When you open an XML document, FrameMaker uses an XML application that specifies the template to use. When you revise a template, you can import format changes into existing ...
First, content can in practice be bound to 2 SCORM, S1000D & DITA A TWG POSITION PAPER ROBBY ROBSON a delivery format at different stages. Second, DITA types are at a level of granularity that...
The File > New > Document command prompts for the template that will form the foundation of the new document. When you open an XML document, FrameMaker uses an XML application that specifies the template to use. When you revise a template, you can import format changes into existing ...