The problem is to find a maximum flow fromstotinGsubject to these capacities. The best asymptotic bound known so far is (n log n·min{, log C{), wheren=|V| andC=∑a∈A ca. We introduce a new algorithm, which requires only (n log n) time. 关键词: computational geometry directed...
tide flow潮流tf tide gauge验潮仪; 潮位水尺tg tide station验潮站; 潮位站ts tide theory潮汐理论tt tide-gauge station验潮站; 潮位站tgs tideline涨潮线t tilth耕作; 耕层; 耕性t timber木材; 木料t timber forest用材林; 乔林tf timber line树木线; 森林线tl time belt时区tb time of occurrence发生时...
Taylor: If we can get access to his business accounts and his credit cards, we can cut off his cash flow.如果我们能进入他的商务账户和信用卡,就能切断他的现金流。cut off:停止提供(水,电,燃气,物品或资金等等)柯林斯英语释义:To cut off a supply of something means to stop providing it or sto...
在舒适度上,卡罗卡做了全面升级,后排座椅配有独立出风口和2.1A充电接口,整车的空调系统具备S-Flow功能,并标配PM2.5过滤功能,这对于生活在北方多雾霾的朋友们可以说是一大良心设计。 静谧性又是一大亮点,据了解,一汽丰田在新卡罗拉的静谧性上下了很大的“功夫”,平整化底盘采用不同材料进行包裹,全车大面积隔音降噪处...
网络管理 支持智能堆叠iStack支持虚拟电缆检测(Virtual Cable Test)支持Telnet远程配置、维护支持SNMPv1/v2c/v3支持RMON支持eSight网管系统、支持WEB网管特性支持HTTPS支持LLDP/LLDP-MED支持系统日志、分级告警支持802.3az能效以太网EEE支持sFlow 安全管理 用户分级管理和口令保护支持端口隔离、端口安全、Sticky MAC支持MFF支持...
船舶下水模拟 | FLOW-3D HYDRO FLOW3D流体仿真 848 0 AMD 32核心CPU,128G内存高性价比服务器!用于做有限元分析和深度学习的服务器。 一方定制服务器工作站 407 0 fluent仿真指导10「关于网格生成与优化、局部加密的概念」 Fluent导师2 355 0 中国量子计算突破!实现最大规模流体仿真,高超音速或遥遥领先? 徐德...
(Fig. 2), her of her nipples--an erotic, sexually charged part of the anatomy-- dress, with its uncharacteristic use of color, does evidence this which in reality would have been covered by Gerti's elbows. He interest in her work as a dancer, as "the flow of the dress serve[s] ...
i cannot express how i cannot se what flow i cannot stand it i cannot take these i cannot wait for til i cant erase i cant guarantee anyt i cant light no more i cant live i cant remember anyth i cant believe its yo i cant go on running i cant go to school t i cant go tonig...
阿里巴巴集团淘宝天猫1688一淘阿里健康全球速卖通阿里巴巴国际站高德飞猪优酷大麦阿里影业钉钉支付宝阿里妈妈阿里云 关于天猫 营销中心 廉政举报 开放平台 诚征英才 隐私权政策 法律声明 知识产权 增值电信业务经营许可证:浙B2-20110446-1 药品网络交易第三方平台备案信息:(浙)网药平台备字 (2023〕 第000013-000号 互联网...
*FLOWMONDK10.B.B.G3LM30.LP.1.M.L *MEGGERFareja-300 wieland-electric 9217/5-4 Z7.210.4427.0 4015573151895 MOOGHPR18B1RKP045SM28F1Z00RKP019SM28F1Z00 5分钟报价BUCHERQX52-050/52-050/43-032R66 vogel 265 23 0936 14950 Germany SCHUNK1340010MPG25 ...