当使用S-plots从PLS-DA或OPLS-DA模型中筛选 p 值小于 0.05 的变量时,可以遵循以下的一些步骤: 1.建立模型: 首先,需要在适当的统计软件或编程环境(如 R、MATLAB 或 Python)中完成 PLS-DA 或 OPLS-DA 分析。 2.生成S-plot: 使用分析工具,基于已建立的模型生成 S-plot。该图展示了变量的协方差和相关性系数...
先将变量标准化:egen z1 = std(x1)…… 进行主成分分析:pca x*, mineigen(1) 主成分载荷分析:estat loading,cnorm(eigen) 效果分析:estat kmo(一般要大于0.7才适合做主成分分析) 碎石图:screeplot 主成分选择,一般选择前几个方差解释累计。
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AP Terzyk,PA Gauden,S Furmaniak,P Kowalczyk 摘要: We present the first study showing the influence of heterogeneity of the internal wall of carbon nanotubes on the shape of high resolutionαs-plots.关键词:Electrochemistry Colloid Gold electrode Mercury electrode Fe2O3 Fe3O4 Ferrofluid Maghemite ...
The Iranians in solidarity and unity aborted all the U.S. plots and plans to disturb the country, he added. Besides, the U.S. plot to relocate its capital to Jerusalem (al-Quds) in Israel was faced with the international condemnation, he said. ...
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The Data-Driven Scatter Plots Correlations PowerPoint Template presents for one of the most commonly used data analysis tools. This design of PowerPoint
There is another option to create scatter plots that allow you to choose inputs from different sheets. Click Explore > Results Summary to bring up a window that summarizes all the inputs and outputs in the model. Then you can select multiple inputs simultaneously from anywhere in the workbook...