自交不亲和基因座位(S-locus)是由多个基因组成的复杂区域,称之为S多基因家族,其大多数成员分布于芸薹属的整个染色体组 … www.cqvip.com|基于2个网页 3. 基因的不亲和位点 大 白菜具有自交不亲和性(Self-incompatibility,SI),其自交不亲和性是由 存在复等位基因的不亲和位点(S-locus)控制的。自交不 … ...
S 基因座 分类: 遗传学|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 英文: OsSRL,a Receptor-like Kinase with S-locus Site,Is Involved in Drought Tolerance in Rice 中文: 一个具有S位点的水稻类受体激酶OsSRL参与干旱胁迫反应更详细... ...
slocus网络基因座 网络释义 1. 基因座 ...位(multiple alleles) 基因的单一基因座(S locus) 控制,S 基因座在雌雄生殖组织中表达1 个或多个S 基因, 这些S 基因编码不同 …www.docin.com|基于2个网页© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
The chapter discusses the S-locus receptor PK (Srk) that has a receptor-like structure, possesses intrinsic serine/threonine PK activity, and is capable of autophosphorylation. The pattern of expression of SRK gene and its high degree of sequence polymorphism among different self-incompatibility haplo...
The S-domain serine/threonine receptor-like kinases (SRLKs) comprise one of the largest and most rapidly expanding subfamilies in the plant receptor-like/Pelle kinase (RLKs) family. The founding member of this subfamily, the S-locus receptor kinase (SRK), functions as the female determinant of...
1) S-locus S基因座 2) S-locus gene S-基因座 3) Pollen sterility locus S-a F1花粉不育基因座位S-a 4) SLF/SFB S基因座F-box蛋白 5) pre-S/S gene pre-S/S基因 1. These anomalous results might be related to the HBVpre-S/S genemutatio ...
S位点受体激酶(SRK)和S位点富含半胱氨酸蛋白/S位点蛋白11(SCR/SP11)分别为甘蓝自交不亲和(self-incom patibility,SI)信号传导的雌雄决定因子。 2) S-locus receptor kinase S-位点受体激酶 3) s-receptor kinase S位点受体激酶 4) SRK S位点受体蛋白激酶 ...
INTERALLELIC RECOMBINATION AT THE his-S LOCUS IN NEUROSPORA CRASSA BRIAN R. SMITH * Department of Genetics, Australian National University, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia 1. INTRODUCTION Received 21.xi.64 THE histidine-5 gene of .Neurospora crassa is situated in the right arm of chromosome IV ...
These F-box genes are most likely placed in close proximity of the S-locus but do not belong to it, and they can thus be excluded from being responsible for the determination of pollen S function. 展开 关键词: pear s-locus s-rnase SFBB SFB ...
Thus, it should be possible to mutate, or delete the component genes yielding pre- dictable phenotypes, that should appear to be inherited as new alleles of the S-locus. Importantly, the generation of deletion mutants will aid efforts to positionally clone the genes determining distyly by ...