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Metacaspases are not caspases – always doubt 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 77 作者:M Enoksson,GS Salvesen 摘要: The article highlights the ironic fact that rural tradition in UK life was studied more intensively and systematically a century ago than is the case today. It traces the evolution ...
As much as I love the adventure of diving into a new television show, most of the time I just want to go somewhere where I know everyone's name — and for me, that somewhere is Stars Hollow. I live my life by the rule that there is nothing an episode…
来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 3 摘要: Reports on the financial performance of the banking industry in the U.S. Amount earned by banks for the fourth quarter; Competition of banks with credit unions; Increase of net interest income. 年份: 2004 ...
收录于合集 #成语-无私 公而忘私 [ gōng ér wàng sī ] 为了公事而不考虑私事,为了集体利益而不考虑个人得失。 出处 汉·班固《汉书·贾谊传》:“故化成俗定;则为人臣者;主耳忘身;国耳忘家;公耳忘私;利不苟就;害不苟去;唯义所在。” 例句