别名:S-555739 分子式:C24H27N3O7S 分子量:501.55 纯度:>98% 溶解度:DMSO : 11.11 mg/mL (22.15 mM) 储存:Store at -20°C 库存:现货 Background Asapiprant is an antagonist of the prostaglandin D1(PGD1) receptor (DP1; Ki= 0.44 nM).1It is selective for DP1over DP2, as well as the...
M6 10.8【SCM-W09】,2020 MatePad 10.8【SCMR-W09】,MatePad Pro 10.8【SCM-W09】 图文详情 0 本店推荐 2018苹果iPad9.7保护套A1822外壳2022ipadpro12.9超轻薄air4mini6迷你5硬后壳A1584平板A2133皮套第九代Air13 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#VVVVVVgC2AFaBH01ewVsAvMGYwnxD04D1Q3JDRI15gzqCWg1PTXlB9kBpQkgBIc...
2019年全国统一高考数学试卷(理科)(全国-新课标i) 晨晖数学 2020-02-21 15:50 2019年全国统一高考数学试卷(理科)(全国-新课标i) 喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 上海高中四大名校十年新晋特级教师 晨晖数学 不喜欢 不看的原因 确定 内容质量低 不看...
This makes the influence on the management strategic decision-making process vital when expanding to China, since it may reflect on the company's strategic plans. Purpose:To further explore and extend the research area on how the expansion to China influences the management and their strategic ...