Meaning meaningful means meant media mentioned menu message messages methods Michael middle migrated minutes misc missing mkdir mkfs mkswap mnt mod Modify modinfo modprobe Module module monitor month monty Moore mounting mounts move moved Moving moving mtab much multi munge mycryptofile names nature naught...
Ata). In such cases, theTaana Varnais expanded by repeating theSahityamany times, withSangatis.AdditionalSahityaandJatipatterns are added. And, even though the words are meagre, the dancer has to interpret them withAbhinaya, so that the meaning is brought out clearly. ] ...
>>> for sent in nltk.corpus.treebank_raw.sents():… tokens.extend(sent)… offset += len(sent)… boundaries.add(offset-1) 第二步,我们定义feature extractor来判定标点是否是句子边界 >>> def punct_features(tokens, i):… return {‘next-word-capitalized’: tokens[i+1][0].isupper(),… ...
so instead of pondering blankly, I have been focusing on thisstotramtrying to understand something, anything. I know the words by heart, as I recite them every day. I know the meaning of the words too. But I am far from experiencing the words as a Truth. That may take quite a ...
many references to the Buddha in the Puranas. All those references might not pertain to one and the same person or mythical figure. The term Buddha , in most cases , denotes a wise person , a sage-like person possessingBuddhi( derived from the rootbudh-to know with the suffixktathe ...
[Sarangadeva explainsCarias the combination of the beautiful movements of the feet, shanks, thigh and the hips, performed in coordination. The termCari,he says, is derived from rootCar( to move); and, by adding the suffixi(n) andni ,at the end.] ...
Vanmayawas again classified into Shastra(Veda, Purana and even Epics) and Kavya. And, it was said ; in theShastrathe words (śabda) are important; in theItihasa(historical narration) the facts (niṣṭhatā) are important; whereas in theKavyathe ability to express the meaning (abhidhā...
Like most works before it, theNartana-nirnayaalso discusses the various types ofAbhinaya(that which carries the intent or meaning of the performance to the spectator), namely,Angika-abhinaya, Sattvika-abhinayaandAharya-abhinaya; and in doing so it follows theNatyashastraas interpreted in theSangit...
Justice Verma relied on numerous past constitution bench judgments and said those decisions “indicate that no precise meaning can be ascribed to the terms ‘Hindu’, ‘Hindutva’ and ‘Hinduism’; and no meaning in the abstract can confine it to the narrow limits of religion alone, excluding ...
rootKri– meaning ‘ to pour out’ ; and, the term is meant to suggest pouring out , in response; or sharing the pain and anguish by ‘entering into the agony of another’. In that sense, Valmiki is giving voice to the inarticulate painful, heart wrenching shrill of the mourning ...