scale, S scale has a reputation as the modeler's scale or the scratchbuilder's scale. And because it is halfway between O scale and HO scale, the size of S gives you many of the benefits of O scale, but allows many layouts to be built in the same space as HO scale layouts. ...
Model Railroader Workshop Tips: Easy 4 x 8 Layouts Model Railroader Workshop Tips: The Essentials of Great Scenery Model Railroader Model Railroader’s Workbench Guide Classic Toy Trains 10 layout mistakes to avoid Classic Toy Trains Testing 9 types of track 123...
If you are new to N scale trains, or new to model trains in general, here are some ideas on how to get started. If you are new to model... Stephen Strum Nov 12, 20241 min read Layouts New Layout Project: The Helix Layout
Big models, sometimes called "Large Scale" trains. Sizes range from 1/22.5 to 1/25 and also includes #1 gauge (1/32 Scale) equipment. The largest electrically powered models, starter sets set up in small areas. Some brands can be used outdoors, in garden layouts. The large size of G-...
I use this kit bashing technique In addition to scratch building to provide buildings for my layouts, including Hintock. I improved the Ratio Signal Box by the addition of a characteristic lobby. Out of the box it is fair enough, but much enhanced by this use of the imagination and ...
you can virtually hold 5 stacks of any item, and re-upload them at a rate of 240/minute. With the exception of massive foundation layouts, this means that any tweaking of layouts can be done without worry of inventory levels. No more running out of stuff and having to trek back for so...
You can keep up with the latest layout progress by following Eric's Triains onFacebook. My expected completion time for the new layout is now sometime in 2020, though that may change. Layouts are never really done, are they? My current layout, which I've namedThe Appalachian & Western ...
N Scale brings the world of model railroading to life with its compact, intricate details. At 1:160 scale, it's perfect for creating expansive layouts in small spaces, letting your imagination run wild. Every tiny feature, from the rolling hills to the bustling stations, comes alive, making...
A few of my friends did keep their layouts operational well into their teens and even 20's, until they too had to pack them down for storage. One had his layout on a large board that he could hoist to the ceiling of his bedroom with rope and blocks. Here is a Märklin layout that...
Among their other attractions the museum features two scales of large model railroads in G and HO as well as layouts brought in annually by various modeling groups. Along with its extensive collection the organization offers short scenic train rides (about a mile or so) on its property....