↓ This is said to be Aung San Suu Kyi’s current residence (different location), not open to public. 這是昂山淑姬現在的居所, 不對外公開 (不同地點) 。 Share this: Facebook LinkedIn More Loading... Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment 仰光大金塔, Yangon- Shwedagon Pagoda (3) ...
A restaurant's noran (curtain at the door) 餐廳的暖簾,像加拿大國旗。 I don't know if this is a Japanese Inn or somebody's residence. Just beautiful! 漂亮的民居。 This is a famous tea house, I had no idea it is actually located here. Unfortunately,the light was horrible. 這是平野茶...
Such village worshipers are of course related to each other as villagers in any part of the world are after generations of fixed residence but they are not a tight clan group descended from a common ancestor. The reverence due to ancestors is paid at a quite different shrine in the ...
[1小时前] 花小莫 发表了迪拜酋长国资讯 🌟迪拜舒适度假地标 | Al Bustan Centre & Residence🌟 🏨 酒店名称: [1小时前] Tian** 发表了迪拜酋长国资讯 迪拜侯爵万豪酒店,奢华与贴心的完美结合 [1小时前] 天山雪猫 发表了迪拜酋长国资讯 阿联酋迪拜迪拜亚特兰大帝斯酒店 [1小时前] Tian** 发表了迪拜...
超高额住宅引领涨价潮 如麻布十番站的「三田花园Hills」和滨松町站的「WorldTowerResidence」等超高额大规模住宅的涌现,不仅提升了整体市场的价格水平,也反映了高端市场的强劲需求。2024年市场怪象:销量腰斩,价格飙升 然而,到了2024年8月,东京首都圈的住宅市场却出现了令人费解的现象:销量急剧下滑,房价却创下...