建築設備のプロフェッショナル 当社は1996年に創立しました建築設備を専門とした設計事務所です。 建築設備の設計・管理業務等に関して、お客様のお役に立てることを社会使命として約20年にわたり活動をしてまいりました。 COMPANY 設備設計ヤマグチは、お客様との十分なコミュニケーションをとり...
The one on the left looks very attractive. [A Japanese Corporation] You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow cartoon image called ‘cowkimon’ and market it worldwide. [A Chi...
The Brasilia Office has started the preparation of its UNESCO Country Programming Document (UCPD) which shall reflect by the beginning of 2008 some of the first outcomes of its reorientation process plus other important developments such as the forthcoming Brazilian UNESCO National Education Support Stra...
Regular Cash Flow per Share 經常性收入之每股現金流量 8.8 Cash Flow per Share from the Sale of Business Interests 由出售業務權益之每股現金流量 Shareholders' Equity Shareholders' equity defined as shareholders' funds, plus HK$2.5 billion of unimpaired goodwill written off to reserves for accounting ...
Although the FAC defines the composition of the Food Aid Committee as including all the Parties to the FAC, it does not exclude the organization of regular meetings between the members of the FAC on the one hand, and the recipient countries or their representatives as well as non-governmental...
處理其他事務. 9. To transact any other business. 承董事會命 吉利汽車控股有限公司 主席 賀學初 香港,二零零四年四月十五日 By Order of the Board GEELY AUTOMOBILE HOLDINGS LIMITED He Xue Chu Chairman Hong Kong, 15 April 2004 二零零三年年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2003 46 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ...
The Brasilia Office has started the preparation of its UNESCO Country Programming Document (UCPD) which shall reflect by the beginning of 2008 some of the first outcomes of its reorientation process plus other important developments such as the forthcoming Brazilian UNESCO National Education Support Stra...
Plus, rain was in the forecast, so we decided to stay inside the city, we first walked along Takasegawa, the Yashino cherry and yamazakura were gone, instead some varieties of yaezakura (double flower cherry) are blooming. Our next destination was Gion (祗園) and the Shirakawa (白川). ...