S Pen Pro操作轻松简单,可使用S Pen Pro随手记下您的想法,流畅的笔触和自然的书写,就像是您在本上做笔记,立即购买。
三星Galaxy Book 4 Pro 360 - 使用 S Pen 和三星笔记记笔记 - 20 个提示与技巧, 视频播放量 4147、弹幕量 0、点赞数 28、投硬币枚数 3、收藏人数 49、转发人数 9, 视频作者 老实人们在搬运, 作者简介 我们不生产视频,我们只是油管的搬运工。 All Devices That Comes With
Bonjour à tous, Je n'arrive pas à connecter mon S Pen pro sur mon galaxy book2 pro 360 ! Pouvez vous m'aider ? Merci d'avance.
原廠S Pen Pro 觸控筆 黑 已售完 功能特色 暢寫您的 Samsung Galaxy 裝置 S Pen Pro 可輕鬆與您的 Samsung Galaxy 裝置連接,讓您在需要時於不同螢幕上書寫筆記,或是輕鬆使用 Air Actions ( 遠端操控 ) 。連線可在裝置間流暢切換,您只需要按下 S Pen 上的按鈕以藍牙連接即可。
Having a mobile videoconferencing suite in your pocket is refreshingly convenient for a business leader on the go. Rather than carrying a pad of paper and an ink pen, your Galaxy Z Fold6 and S Pen are ready to let you connect, listen closely and take notes. ...
With the launch of 2024’s Galaxy S24 Ultra and Galaxy Book4 Pro 360, Samsung has incorporated the S Pen, making it even more responsive and further upgrading the Samsung Notes application. Samsung has also extended the S Pen to several other devices across the range. Its latest Galaxy B...
IT之家 4 月 13 日消息 根据外媒 Sammobile 的消息,三星 Galaxy Book Pro 笔记本即将发布,搭载了三星公司的 OLED 90Hz 屏幕,支持 S Pen 手写笔。 IT之家了解到,三星 Galaxy Book Pro 和 Galaxy Book Pro 360 今天早些时候通过了韩国安全认证,这意味着它们很快就会上市。这两款 Windows 10 笔记本电脑将有两...
Solved: Hello, I've just bought a Galaxy book pro 3 (in France). There is a pen provided with, that I guess is a S Pen standard. There is no specific
Every Samsung Galaxy Note model has a built-in S Pen. Galaxy S Ultra devices from the S21 series also support the S Pen but only feature built-in styli from the S22 Ultra onwards. The Galaxy Z Fold 6, 5, 4, and 3 support the S Pen Fold Edition. Also, the S Pen Pro Edition wor...
好轻 三星本周三(4/28)在 Samsung Unpacked 线上发表会上,亮相了 Galaxy Book Pro、Galaxy Book Pro 360 两款新笔电,以及通过军规认证,专为玩家设计 …