Our financial benchmarks and ratings empower you with essential insights to make informed decisions and manage credit risk ratings and returns effectively.
S&P Global Ratings affirmed the "A+" Foreign Currency LT credit rating of HSBC Bank Canada on July 23, 2023. Issuer — HSBC Bank CanadaFull name HSBC Bank Canada Registration country Canada Industry BanksShareOther Company's News Moody's Investors Service assigns "Aa1" (LT- local currency ...
S&P Global Ratings downgraded from "B+" to "B-" the Foreign Currency LT credit rating of Greenland Holding Group on May 23, 2022. Issuer — Greenland Holding GroupFull name Greenland Holding Group Company Limited Registration country China Industry Domestic and Commercial Construction...
标普全球任命新总裁兼首席执行官 标准普尔全球(S&P Global)宣布,其董事会一致选举标准普尔全球现任标准普尔全球评级(S&P Global Ratings)总裁Martina L. Cheung接替Douglas L. Peterson担任公司总裁兼首席执行官,自2024年11月1日起生效。此外,她被任命为董事会成员,自2024年7月1日起生效。Peterson将在董事会任职至2025...
Subprime Auto Loan ABS Ratings, Dec. 8, 2022 This report does not constitute a rating action.Primary Credit Analyst: Amy S Martin, New York + 1 (212) 438 2538; amy.martin@spglobal.com Secondary Contacts: Jennie P Lam, New York + 1 (212) 438 2524; jennie.lam@spglob...
FORTUM CORPORATION INVESTOR NEWS 5 JULY 2022 AT 23.00 EEST S&P Global Ratings (S&P) has placed
By Reuters | April 1, 2024, at 6:21 p.m. Save MoreReuters FILE PHOTO: A view of the exterior of the JP Morgan Chase & Co. corporate headquarters in New York City May 20, 2015. REUTERS/Mike Segar/Files/File Photo (Reuters) - S&P Global on Monday revised the rating out...
S&P Global Ratings on Sept. 20 upgraded Murray Energy Corp.'s corporaterncredit rating to B- from CCC+, resulting from the company's execution of thernnew five-year collective bargaining agreement with the United Mine Workersrnof America.Julie Silvederio...
FORTUM CORPORATION INVESTOR NEWS 14 MARCH 2022 AT 16:25 EET S&P Global Ratings (S&P) has today
S&P Global Ratings (S&P) recently upgraded its credit rating on Security Bank to investment grade rating of BBB- (Stable outlook) from BB+ (Positive outlook). S&P upgraded its rating because it expects the reduced credit risk in the Philippines to streng