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S&Pグローバル・マーケット・インテリジェンスのCredit Assessment Scorecard(スコアカード)は、非上場企業、上場企業、格付け企業、非格付け企業、政府機関など、様々なセクターのデフォルトリスク、回収率を推計し管理を可能にする、信用リスク管理に必要不可欠なツ
标准普尔全球市场情报(S&P Global Market Intelligence)首席商业经济学家克里斯•威廉姆森(Chris Williamson)在一份声明中表示:“美国经济活动在第二季度初失去了动力。”“4月份新业务流入出现6个月来的首次下降,由于对前景的担忧加剧,企业对未来产出的预期降至5个月低点。”美国商业活动扩张速度降至四个月来新低 ...
SPGLOBALMARKETINTELLIGENCE标普全球市场情报 系统标签: 情报全球compustat市场wrds智商 通过沃顿研究数据中心获取 标普全球市场情报数据 S & P G L O B A L M A R K E T I N T E L L I G E N C E ( 标普全球市场情报 ) S&PCAPITALIQ COMPUSTATNORTHAMERICA(标普 资本智商COMPUSTAT北美) Compustat北美...
近日,标准普尔全球市场情报(S&P Global Market Intelligence)发布了2024年全球TOP 50财险公司。榜单根据财产和意外伤害总保费收入进行排名。榜单上的50家财险公司的总保费合计约为14981亿美元,同比增长3.16%。中国共有5家保险公司上榜,分别是 中国人保 、 中国平安
NEW YORK, March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- S&P Global Market Intelligence today released its annual rankings for 2023's best-performing community banks with assets between $3 billion and $10 billion, community banks with asset...
The market research and business consulting services firm P&S Intelligence offers in-depth analysis to facilitate intelligent decision making
chart 1). This, combined with longer maturities (though largely limited to investment-grade debt) has made for some of the best financing conditions U.S. corporates have ever enjoyed. Chart 1 U.S. Secondary Market Corporate Bond Yields (%) Data through Jan. 1, 2021. Source: S&P Global ...
The global IPO market faced a challenging year in 2024, experiencing fluctuations from a strong start to mid-year market volatility, followed by uncertainty surrounding the U.S. presidential election. Amidst these complexities, investor sentiment became more cautious, impacting overall IPO activity. How...
China prioritizes AI, low-altitude transport stan…China's Ministry of Transport (MOT) has urged efforts to expedite the development of standards for road and air collaboration in low-altitude transport and artificial intelligence (AI), highlighting these areas as key priorities for 2025.The ...