This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage. ...
Psychometrics is a branch of data science. In fact, it’s been around a long time before that term was even a buzzword. Don’t believe me? Check out thisCoursera course on Data Science, and the first example they give as one of the foundational historical projects in data science is… ...
Raspberry Pi 4, Model B ~$30 - $80 Domotique ; Robotique; Véhicules autonomes ; Systèmes de contrôle ; Science Raspberry Pi OS, Raspbian, Ubuntu 20.04/21.04, RISC OS, Windows 10 IoT, etc Processeur 1,5 GHz, GPU 500 MHz Broadcom BCM2711 64 bits (Cortex-A72 quatre cœurs), ...
Monday, medical science is going to address that issue, by making me feel like shit. The plan is to drip a chemical into my bloodstream that almost kills me, to make me well. Six times (at least to start with). In the next half-year I will suffer greatly to defeat a disease I do...
Yet researchers sedulously retained allergic in the EAE acronym until the1980s, long after ‘autoimmune’ had become available to them. Eventually practitioners for whom autoimmunity had meaning influenced the transition to ‘E autoimmune E’ as the laboratory analogue of human autoimmune multiple ...
Kim personally awarded medals to "those in the field of defense science who most faithfully and perfectly carried out the Party's plan for building strategic nuclear force, successfully test-fired ICBM Hwasong-15 and thus demonstrated the dignity and might of our powerful state ...
One reason, in particular, that keeps coming up has to do with the definition of a very particular word. Now, brace yourself because the word I’m about to use is bound to invite all sorts of anger, vitriol, controversy, and disdain. It’s a word I’ve heard well-meaning people use...
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Yes, there is a lot of name dropping too in this book, but these are film diaries after all! It’s been a couple of months since – aged 50 – I finished reading the Harry Potter series, and I have been meaning to jot down some thoughts ever since. ...
This is SADS – an acronym that stands for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome – and according to the Royal Australian College of GPs, it occurs most commonly in people under 40. This is properly scary; I don’t mind telling you. Healthy young people are going to their beds of an evening and...