S matrix not positive definite 请问大家有遇到的吗,增加截断能,减少核数,对角化方式改为...
Using a different k-mesh. Usingoccupations = 'fixed'. To give more info, I am trying to see the contribution of spin-orbit effects on the gap of this system. Particularly, I ran the FM phase in the scalar relativistic case, and therefore starting the magnetization in the noncollinear case...
> (6.2.1). I don't receive the same error when running with Quantum ESPRESSO > 6.7, so whatever was wrong must have been fixed. > not necessarily so, unfortunately. That error sometimes is real and reproducible, (S matrix is _really not_ positive definite), sometimes is due to numerica...
生态学中在应用spss进行数据分析时,点击了 KMO and bartlette’s test选项,没有出现相应的KMO值和卡方统计量的值,出现了this matrix is not positive definite提示,但是还可以出现数据分析的结果,请问,这个数据的结果还可以使用吗?这个分析结果是否具有使用价值?能否能在科技论文中使用这些数据结果? 查看本题试卷 如...
生态学中在应用spss进行数据分析时,点击了 KMO and bartlette’s test选项,没有出现相应的KMO值和卡方统计量的值,出现了this matrix is not positive definite提示,但是还可以出现数据分析的结果,请问,这个数据的结果还可以使用吗?这个分析结果是否具有使用价值?能否能在科技论文中使用这些数据结果?
生态学中在应用spss进行数据分析时,点击了 KMO and bartlette’s test选项,没有出现相应的KMO值和卡方统计量的值,出现了this matrix is not positive definite提示,但是还可以出现数据分析的结果,请问,这个数据的结果还可以使用吗?这个分析结果是否具有使用价值?能否能在科技论文中使用这些数据结果?
Rosmory_ 初涉江湖 1 在qe计算的时候,对网格点进行动力学矩阵元计算 出现错误,s matrix not positive definite,怎么更改? yyyu200 人中龙凤 11 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/4127039059 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报...
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structure control structure design for structure engineer structure expansion s structure matrix structure of language structure of skin structure of traditio structure reconstruct structure simplificat structure steel fabri structure study mater structure tags structure the cytopla structure the nucleus structure...
22、e iv.hausman iv ols, constant sigmamoreNote: the rank of the differenced variance matrix (1) does not equal the number of coefficients being tested (7); be sure this is what you expect, or there may be problems computing the test. Examine the output of your estimators for anything ...