We,S. Kumar & Co.are an IP firm based in New Delhi India. Ours is a full service IP law firm having specialisation in IP matters. We have diverse practice in field of law and offer services in relation to both contentious and non- contentious IP matters in India. Our Indian IP practi...
A Harmonic Elimination and Suppression Scheme for an Open-End Winding Induction Motor Drive Dr. Levi is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics and a mem- ber of the Editorial Board of the on-line Journal of ... Mohapatra, K.K.,K Gopakumar,Somasekhar, V.T.,....
Focuses on the resignation of Sanjay Kumar as CEO of software manufacturer Computer Associates International on June 7, 2004. Impact of Kumar's resignation on the performance of the company in the stock market; Reasons behind his resignation; Information on the criminal charges filed against the ...
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The purpose of the present investigation was to characterize species-specific bacterial activity of the oral microbiota in periodontitis. We tested the hypotheses that chronic inflammation, i.e., periodontitis, associates with bacterial gene expression o
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Kumar PP, Stotz SC, Paramashivappa R, Beedle AM, Zamponi GW and Rao AS. Synthesis and evaluation of a new class of nifedipine analogs with T-type calcium channel blocking activity. Mol Pharmacol 61: 649–658. 2002 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Kunapuli SP and Daniel JL. P2 receptor subty...
Fig. 2: Identification of a Spliced Leader Array Body (SLAB) which frequently associates with the active ES. a Fluorescence microscopy imaging of a triple epitope-tagged BF T. brucei cell line expressing the SLAB components SLAP1, SNAP3 and VEX1. Signals in the nucleus (dashed line) correspo...
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Kumar, who joins with a seven-lawyer team, has close to two decades of experience advising on acquisitions, divestments and joint ventures in the projects, construction and real estate sectors. He has been advising clients in sectors such as airports, ports, highways, urban infrastructure, renewa...