刚刚,官方机构-科睿唯安消息,今年的《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)在北京时间6月28日(今天下午)正式发布期刊影响因子(Journal Impact Factor, 简称 JIF)---即,2022年最新影响因子正式揭晓。 公认的世界三大名刊(Nature,Science,Cell),今年表现不错。 老牌CNS 杂志名 2021 JIF NATURE Science ...
“科研圈”根据 35 本预警期刊的官网公开信息,统计了它们最近一年的影响因子(Impact Factor),其中影响因子大于 5 的预警期刊共有 10 本,以生物学与医学类期刊为主。 表1. 影响因子大于 5 的预警期刊 *影响因子数据来自期刊官网,为...
YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)0.6-- 20220.7-979 20210.716-1039 20200.8181591008 20190.69298781 20180.661123796 20170.685115742 20160.417110547 20150.384103591 20140.671144573 20130.519119517 20120.556106537 20110.516104531 20100.486110560 ...
The impact factor has slightly fluctuated, and awards have been given for outstanding articles and review service. The editorial board expresses gratitude to the referees who contributed to the journal, including individuals from diverse backgrounds and expertise. The author also acknowledges the ...
(2022) demonstrated that teachers’ data literacy could significantly impact their digital teaching competence. Based on these findings, it is crucial to motivate pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards using technology in teaching, pay close attention to and protect students’ data privacy in the ...
please select ExplainChinaClimate2022 on submission About journal Impact factor: 4.746 CiteScore: 5.4 Editor-in-Chief: Qin Da-He Open Access 关注我们 长按扫描二维码, 公众号ID:accr_journal Email: accr@cma.gov.cn 本文部分图片来源于网络,版权归...
The Biden administration has arguably gone further than Trump in efforts to curb China’s technological capabilities. One of the boldest moves taken against China during his term was the decision in October 2022 to implement sweeping export restrictions on advanced computing semiconductors, semiconductor...
Xu B. The impact of COVID-19 on the doctor-patient relationship in China. Frontiers in public health. 2022;10:907009. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.907009. The People's Republic of China. The General Office of the State Council issued the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Medi...
(2022) The impact of low-carbon pilot policies on eco-efficiency and its spillover effects: an empirical analysis based on spatial dual difference. World of Res (01), 38-47. https://doi.org/10.13778/j.cnki.11-3705/C.2022.01.005. Dogru T, Bulut U, Kocak E et al (2020) The nexus...
Unlike the Journal Impact Factor (JIF), it is also calculated for the journals of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), which are now included in the JCR. To better understand this new indicator, this article analyses its main statistical...