APK名com.sec.android.app.shealth アプリの説明 S Health provides core features to keep up your body fit and healthy. It will record and analyze your daily activities and habits to help maintain successful diet and lead healthy lifestyle. Whether you walk or run, hike or bike, play indoor...
while the Health Connect app is only compatible with Android 9 (API level 28) or higher. This means that third-party apps can support users with Android 8, but only users with Android 9 or higher can use Health Connect.
health, voltage, current and capacityNetwork: shows info about your WiFi and mobile/cellular connections, including IP addresses (ipv4 and ipv6), connection info, operator, phone number, phone and network type, dual sim, public IP and more.Memory Usage: A complete list of apps and services ...
ASUS HealthConnectアプリはiOSとAndroidで利用可能で、VivoWatch BPとシームレスに連携します。 フィットネストラッキング機能 内蔵GPS センサー 有酸素運動 インジケーター 歩数カウント 消費カロリー 電話&メール通知 速度、距離、運動時間などのトラッキングアクティビティ統計。
Dire appears as a support character in the game's Campaign Mode, where he uses his Thunder Split Attack on the player's opponent, which will reduce their health by 40% if successful. If the player pays an extra energy point, he will instead use Thunder Cross Split Attack, dealing 30% ...
Android.Hardware.Camera2.Params Android.Hardware.Display Android.Hardware.Fingerprints Android.Hardware.Input Android.Hardware.Lights Android.Hardware.Location Android.Hardware.Usb Android.Health.Connect Android.Health.Connect.ChangeLog Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes.Units Android...
Android.Hardware.Camera2.Params Android.Hardware.Display Android.Hardware.Fingerprints Android.Hardware.Input Android.Hardware.Lights Android.Hardware.Location Android.Hardware.Usb Android.Health.Connect Android.Health.Connect.ChangeLog Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes.Units Android...
daily-dialogue - Japanese Daily Dialogue, or 日本語日常対話コーパス in Japanese, is a high-quality multi-turn dialogue dataset containing daily conversations on five topics: dailylife, school, travel, health, and entertainment. llmjapanese-dataset - LLM構築用の日本語チャットデータセット ...
ASUS VivoWatch 5 is an intelligent, wearable health tracker that offers 24/7 health-and-fitness monitoring, plus smart insights to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, achieve fitness goals and adjust rest patterns. Pair it with the ASUS HealthConnect
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