Generic Name: ASPIRINPronunciationWhy it is prescribed (开药方):1. Aspirin relieves mild to moderate pain. 2. It reduces fever, redness, and swelling. 3. It prevents blood from clotting (凝结).When it is to be taken: 1. Aspirin is often taken without a prescription.2. Follow the instruc...
GENERIC NAME: ASPIRIN CHEWABLE - ORAL (AS-pir-in) BRAND NAME(S): Children's Aspirin Medication Uses | How To Use | Side Effects | Precautions | Drug Interactions | Overdose | Notes | Missed Dose | Storage USES: Aspirin is used to reduce fever and relieve mild to moderate pain from ...
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Generic Name(S): acetaminophenUses Side Effects Warnings Precautions Interactions Overdose Images Reviews (0) Uses This drug is used to treat mild to moderate pain (from headaches, menstrual periods, toothaches, backaches, osteoarthritis, or cold/flu aches and pains) and to reduce fever. How ...
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Generic NameParenteral Dose (mg)PO Dose (mg)Comments Codeine30-60 every 4 hr30-60 every 4 hrNausea common Hydromorphone1-2 every 4 hr2-4 every 4 hrShorter acting than morphine sulfate Levorphanol2 every 6-8 hr4 every 6 hrLonger acting than morphine sulfate; absorbed well PO ...
Hovid manufacturers & distributes more than 400 products, comprising generic pharmaceuticals, OTC products, health supplements and traditional/consumer products. The therapeutical ranges are below: a.) Cardiovasular management b.) Diabetes management c.)Dermatologicals range d.) Anti-infectives range ....
ClassNew NameOld nameFeatures of Class Invertebrate Class 1 Sema-1a G-Sema I, D-Sema I, T-sema I, Ce-Sema I TM domain and short cytoplasmic tail Sema-1b Sema 1b Class 2 Sema 2a D-Sema II, Ce-Sema II, gSemaII Secreted and have Ig domain Vertebrate Class 3 Sema3A C-Collapsin...
Generic Name Parenteral Dose (mg) PO Dose (mg) Comments Codeine 30-60 every 4 hr 30-60 every 4 hr Nausea common Hydromorphone 1-2 every 4 hr 2-4 every 4 hr Shorter acting than morphine sulfate Levorphanol 2 every 6-8 hr 4 every 6 hr Longer acting than morphine sulfate; absorbed ...