(可选)执行命令ucl-group domaindomain-namedomain-name{group-index|namegroup-name},配置静态UCL组域名。 缺省情况下,未配置静态UCL组域名。 配置此步骤时,还需执行以下命令: 在接口视图或端口组视图下,执行命令dns snooping enable,开启DNS Snooping功能。该功能开启后,设备解析收到的DNS应答报文来获取IP地址,生成...
shade eye shade eye ncc shade informs him shader domain shadhili shading coil shading generator shadow around the fen shadow box shadow cell shadow drop shadow ha shadow fury shadow network shadow of the sun swe shadow password files shadow refuge shadow reports shadow say shadow sexslave casti sh...
执行命令display current-configuration configuration rrpp-domain-region查看RRPP域的配置。 [SwitchB]display current-configuration configuration rrpp-domain-region# rrpp domain 1 control-vlan 2515protected-vlan reference-instance 0ring 1 node-mode master primary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/1 secondary-port Gigabit...
This paper demonstrates the ability to remove the effects of discontinuities in high frequency S-parameter data caused by the test connectors on the Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and cables being measured. The frequency domain S-parameters are converted to the time domain to get the impulse respon...
spherical domain spherical double-wall spherical effect spherical end journal spherical mirror reso spherical rolling spherical-earth facto spherical-harmonic ex sphericalbendunion sphericalgalaxy sphericalgasholder sphericalmeniscus sphericalv irror inte sphericshapecocoon spherictypewriter spheriwl phrgeometer sphe...
您可以使用 Microsoft Entra Domain Services 將受控網域設定為使用安全的輕量型目錄存取通訊協定 (LDAPS)。 使用安全 LDAP 時,流量就會加密。 安全 LDAP 也稱為「透過安全通訊端層 (SSL)/傳輸層安全性 (TLS) 的 LDAP」。本教學課程將說明如何為 Domain Services 受控網域設定 LDAPS。
man: IPA subdomain changes to sssd-ipa Feb 17, 2025 .git-commit-template COMMIT TEMPLATE: Fixed two typos Mar 10, 2022 .git-commit-template-tests git: add commit template for tests Aug 10, 2023 .gitignore MONITOR: validate value of 'user' option. ...
(Required, ForceNew) Name of the accelerated domain. This name without suffix can have a string of 1 to 63 characters, must contain only alphanumeric characters or "-", and must not begin or end with "-", and "-" must not in the 3th and 4th character positions at the same time....
Modified the domain names for Cashier Payment and Auto Debit to which API requests are sent. For details, see Call an API. Modified the format of Request-Time to a timestamp whose value is accurate to milliseconds. For details, see Construct the content to be signed. ...
That is, when a user launches the app for the first time after the app is installed, the user cannot be redirected to the address specified by the original deep link. Add the following configuration to Application in the AndroidManifest.xml file: <meta-data android:name="...