Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3See All (6) SaveCopy Related Clauses Corporation, etc Certificate of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation Corporation Corporations Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws of the Surviving Corporation Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws ...
Name of Surviving Corporation After the merger, the Surviving Corporation shall have the name "Capital Bank Corporation" Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation The Bylaws of Company, as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time, will be the Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation until thereafter ...
LLC stands forLimited Liability Corporation; it may also be known as a sole proprietorship. Forming an LLC can provide legal protections for the owner from; lawsuits, and liability protection, and makes the business a legal entity. Because the business is its own entity under theLLCdesignation,...
While this book’s origins were based on reducing self-employment taxes through an S Corporation election, it has dramatically expanded to sound business advice from entity structures to operational considerations to business tax deductions and retirement planning. Enjoy! And please send us all comments...
Corporations file Articles of Incorporation with the secretary of state for formation, then hold a meeting to create corporate bylaws. Once formed, a corporation must hold annual shareholder meetings and record the minutes of those meetings for tax and legal records. An LLC files Articles of ...
Preparing the S corporation’s tax returns (Form 1120S) Since the IRS is a huge organization, the right hand doesn’t always talk to the left hand. Shocking, we know. Additionally, the IRS is bound by regulation to process Form 2553s within 60 days. However, they don’t, and they ar...
Articles of Incorporation, Sample (WA State). Some sections simply require a check mark for applicability or a 'yes/no' mutually exclusive selection. Other areas (such as the purpose of the corporation) require written response. As designated by the top of the form, this specific article of ...
A corporation's annual report is usually an illustrated, thick booklet. It is a professionally created document that often resembles a printed magazine. It is intended for shareholders and distributed directly to them before the annual shareholders' meeting, either by mail or email.1It is also...
The biggest risk of failure for your startup happens right at the start—not setting up a viable legal foundation. Here's how to get those legal ducks in a row.
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