A long term experiment was carried out to study the adaptability to a marginal -tocopherol supply (only 25% of the bioactivity of -tocopherol) over four generations of Wistar rats of both sexes. The adaption was indicated (i.a.) by the biotransformation of -tocopherol to -tocopherol (a non...
Activities for protection and the initiation of a conservation project for these rare ferns are highly necessary.Angewandte ChemieHans-Joachim Knölker
This technology transfer is intended to promote export opportunities for Bavarian companies and to contribute to international development cooperation, as laid down in the Bamberg Declaration of German Ministers for the Environment.%Die bayerische Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung arbeitet grenz眉berschreitend. Sie...
The commission was obviously unable to win consideration of other factors for its report during its three-year investigation into the cause of the tragedy. This was previously brought into discussion by events including the resignations of several commission members.Volker HogrebeSchiff und Hafen...
ChildrenObjective: The aim of this study was to assess the lexical outcomes in auditory closure of children with aided residual hearing. Patients and Methods: A total of 37 children (from 4;7 to 8;2 years old) with bilateral (n = 23) or unilateral (n = 14) sensorineural hearing loss ...
Die Prognose ist sehr gut. Folgeschäden wie Coxa vara und Retroversion des Femurhalses korrigierten sich im Verlauf des weiteren Wachstums. Weitere Folgen ergaben sich nicht.vot, JLascombes, PBlanquart, DGagneux, EEuropean Journal of Pediatric Surgery...
Alecke B, Mitze T (2012) Studiengebühren und das Wanderungsverhalten von Studienanfängern: eine panel‐ökonometrische Wirkungsanalyse. PWP 13(4):357–386Alecke B, Mitze T (2012) Studiengebühren und das Wanderungsverhalten von Studienanfängern: Eine panel-ö...
3-Methylbutanol-1 und Ethylmethylketon festgestellt werden. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse widersprechen nicht der Annahme, daß Begleitstoffe aus Ethanol gebildet werden können; Beweis daf眉r sind sie nicht.PETER STÖHLMACHERDETLEF TIESSBlutalkohol...
The current German situation on deep geological disposal of hazardous waste is described and some results from the fields waste-analysis, geochemical modelling and geo-technical barriers for the sealing of waste disposal sites are presented.H. PitterichC. BruecknerNachrichten: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe...
Finally, the influence of additives is reported which even in relatively small quantities strongly modify the whole combustion process and are therefore also relevant in safety problems.doi:10.1002/cite.330560303Prof. Dr. Hanns HofmannDipl.-Ing. Gerhard SchmidtWILEY‐VCH VerlagChemie Ingenieur Technik...