The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 349.89 points, or 0.88 percent, to 39,908.0. The S&P 500 added 61.47 points, or 1.17 percent, breaking above 5,300 for the first time to 5,308.15. The Nasdaq Composite Index increased by 231.21 points, or 1.40 percent, to 16,742.39, hitting a recor...
static address table static advantage rigi static and shared lib static average code l static breaking agent static calculation static cell memory static correction static cursor static deflection nat static dispatch static dissipativeant static eliminating co static error band static flip-flop static forec...
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.8 percent last month for a 7.9 percent year-on-year increase, the U.S. Labor Department reported on Thursday. The Core CPI, which excludes food and energy, rose 0.5 percent for a 6.4 percent year-on-year increase. "This report just reinforced the l...
Beyond the hustle and bustle of the domestic travel market, international travel also flourished last year, with a boom in both inbound and outbound tourism. This China travel boom, driven by the country's expanding visa-free travel policy, has led international tourists to flock to the country...
Obama Averages 45.8% Job Approval in Year Five; Most Recent Quarterly Average Is 41.2%Jones, Jeffrey M
As of Tuesday's close, all the major averages were on pace to close out the month with losses. Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on track for their second negative month in three, while the Nasdaq Composite is on course for its fourth negative month in five. ...
This surge reflects the rapid expansion of the e-commerce market and rising consumer demand for efficient logistics services. At an average cost of a few cents more than a dollar per parcel, the industry continues to combine scale with affordability. ...
This surge reflects the rapid expansion of the e-commerce market and rising consumer demand for efficient logistics services. At an average cost of a few cents more than a dollar per parcel, the industry continues to combine scale with affordability.The year also saw significant advancements in ...
Public and religious holidays Premium Premium statistics Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data (partially from exclusive partnerships). A paid subscription is required for full access. Read more Average expenditures on New Year's Eve in Poland 2023 ...
Wang Haifeng: Overall, whether looking at individual quarters or the cumulative performance such as over the first three quarters or the first ten months, China's foreign trade has performed better than the global average. Guangdong's foreign trade has topped the national performance. This has pla...