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设备初次上电使用时需要通过Console接口进行配置,Console接口的接口属性如表4-823所示。 表4-823 Console接口属性 属性 描述 连接器类型 RJ45 符合标准 RS-232 工作模式 双工UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) 波特率 9600bit/s、19200bit/s、38400bit/s、57600bit/s、115200bit/s 缺省...
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7 of the World’s Most Dangerous Lizards and Turtles World War II: Germany invading PolandGermany invading Poland, September 1, 1939. 1939–1945 Also known as: Second World War, WWII Written by Thomas A. Hughes Dr. Thomas Alexander Hughes (BA, Saint John’s University; MA, PhD, University...
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