S-500防空导弹系统(俄文:C-500 Прометей ,代号:55R6M"Triumfator-M" ,译文:55R6M"胜利者"-M,英文:S-500 air defense missile system,编号:S-500,代号:Prometheus,译文:普罗米修斯,下文简称:S-500系统),是俄罗斯新一代空天防御系统。 S-500防空导弹系统由战术指控系统、防空反导作战单元和防天反...
S-500防空导弹系统(俄文:C-500 Прометей[1],代号:55R6M“Triumfator-M” ,译文:55R6M“胜利者”-M,英文:S-500 air defense missile system,编号:S-500,代号:Prometheus,译文:普罗米修斯,下文简称:S-500系统),是俄罗斯新一代空天防御系统。 该系统由战术指控系统、防空反导作战单元和防天反导作战...
在2024军械展中,俄罗斯展示了他们最先进的防空系统——S-500 "普罗米修斯"。这套系统旨在实现更远的射程,并有能力在600公里外拦截空中威胁目标,对速度超过音速五倍的目标进行连续出击,同时具备同时追踪和截击多个弹道目标的能力。装备了先进的雷达系统如获取雷达91N6A及多功能雷达96L6TSP等,在复杂环境中增强探测、跟踪...
导弹防御(Missile Defense)是各国为应对现代战争中弹道导弹和巡航导弹威胁所研发的重要军事手段。无论是美国、俄罗斯还是中国,各大国都在不断推动各自的导弹防御系统发展,以提升国家安全与战略威慑力。这些系统不仅仅是防御工具,也在很大程度上影响着国际军事和政治格局。
The S-500 system is designed to intercept long- and medium-range ballistic missiles as well as warplanes. MOSCOW, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- Russia will start preliminary tests of its latest S-500 Prometheus air defense system in 2020, Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko said Saturday. ...
MINSK, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Belarus has bought Iskander missile systems and S-400 air defense systems from Russia, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said here Thursday at a meeting with the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. ...
Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said it "is among the most advanced air defense systems available." China was the first foreign buyer to make a government-to-government deal with Russia in 2014, while Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, and Qatar have all expressed their interest in the system....
英文名 S-400 air defense missile 俄文名 С-400 Триумф 绰号 Growler 绰号译名 咆哮 国家 俄罗斯 厂商 阿尔玛兹-安泰中央设计局 研发时间 1999年-2010年 开始研发 1999年 正式列装 2010年 应用对象 空军 主要技术 建立IOS-Ⅰ 、 IOS-Ⅱ和 IOS-Ⅲ三种类型的统一信息火控系统子系统 功能 从超低空到...
TEHRAN, June 10 (Xinhua) -- Iran's Foreign Ministry on Monday denied that the country has plan to purchase the Russian S-400 air defense missile system. "We have not made any requests to Russia for the purchase of S-400," the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, said in his wee...