...的硬度较高,无法以稀释的方式来解决的水质,通常就以雷诺指数(Ryznar Stability Index)来表示。 www.waterinfor.com|基于2个网页 3. 雷纳稳定指数 ...两种指数可以用来预测水结垢之倾向。一为兰吉勒饱和指数(Langeller Saturation index),另一为雷纳稳定指数(Ryznar St… ...
The Ryznar index is also known as the Ryznar stability index. Advertisement Corrosionpedia Explains Ryznar Index (RSI) The Ryznar index is based loosely off of the Langelier saturation index that was created in the 1930s. The Ryznar index is logarithmic, similar to other indices that are used ...