Just finished building a new set up with a 7900x, rx6700xt, and 32g ddr5-6000 ram on an ASUS rog strix, I cannot get the cpu to slow down, it’s clocking at 5500mhz while idle. Base is 4700mzh. Any ideas? Ryzen amd master doesn’t support this cpu per amd customer support. ...
If you have one of those with high temps, you can set, in windows power management , the CPU max to 95%, then it instantly drops to 50c at idle. But why does the core clock sit at 100%?The PC i tried my in, had a Ryzen 9 7900X3D in it, and it did not sit at...
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X & 7950X: Overclocking, Clock-For-Clock And Review Summary We also spent some time overclocking the AMD Ryzen 9 7950X, to see if we could wring any additional performance from the processor. Similar to the Ryzen 5000 series, AMD offers an array of tools for overclockin...
The 9900x was cheaper numerically and cheaper further with inflation taken into account than the 3900x it replaced was at purchase.. You could have gotten a 7900X for about 25% less money or a 7950X for about ...
As with any latency benchmarks, keep in mind that they only represents a best-case scenario of an otherwise idle CPU and queues not running deep with other requests. BTW, Chips & Cheese actually did an analysis of...
I've been pulling my hair out for the last month trying to troubleshoot my new 7800x3D build that would spontaneously reboot like the reset switch had just been hit. There were no attendant WHEA errors like the Zen 3 era of this issue,...
Now idle temp according to Hardware info is 26 and Ryzen Master says it is 23. Ambient is like 15C/60F. Was regularly seeing Core VID registering 1.5v+. Nothing seemed to work till I lowered the scaler multiplier under PBO from 10 to 9. Now the max...
Just installed my new Ryzen 7 3700X yesterday. It works well, no overclocking. But I'm wondering if the Idle temp is "fine" or if it's perhaps a little too high. I'm using the cooler that came with it. However, I did use 99% Isopropyl Alcohol t...
Hour with side panel off and idle is at 63C Sooooo yeah, chipset thermal pad has given up again ITS MUSSELS TIME, LETS GO OVERBOARD AND DO WEIRD THINGS TO THIS POOR COMPUTER Sigh i'll have to drain the loop for this too, might as weell check that out on the way Click to expand...
If anyone has a 7900X/7950X and MW2, I'd be interested to see how many cores shader optimization can utilize now. Previously 1CCD CPUs treat it as an all-core workload, but 2CCDs and MW19 are limited to the contents of CCD0 only. Last edited: Nov 19, 2022 freeagent...