The popularity rating is based on the total number of benchmark results submitted across all tests in the last 30 days. This page is updated daily.AMD Ryzen 7 7840U popularity rank 200 Is the AMD Ryzen 7 7840U good value for money? This chart compares the AMD Ryzen 7 7840U with...
Hey, my AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 7840u doesn't clock over 3800mhz with cinebench 2024 multicore Benchmark at 100% Workload. Is this normal like TDP throttling or something else (CPU doesn't exceed 75 °C) Or could it potentially be a Bios or Driver Problem? A...
The first benchmarks of AMD's Ryzen 7 7840HS "Phoenix" CPU which is designed for mainstream laptops have been leaked & show a nice gain.
处理器AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS w/ Radeon 780M Graphics 核数8 线程数16分数 比较替代方案 → 2292 显卡NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU 驱动31.0.15.5186分数 比较替代方案 → 5436 存储设备SOLIDIGM SSDPFINW010TZL 分数 3406 更多 更多选择,找到适合您的装备 找到以类似方式执行的替代硬件,并检查升级是否值得...
处理器AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS w/ Radeon 780M Graphics 核数8 线程数16 分数 比较替代方案 → 2536 显卡NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU 驱动31.0.15.3770 分数 比较替代方案 → 5259 存储设备SOLIDIGM SSDPFINW512GZL 分数2449 存储设备SSDPR-PX600-1K0-80 ...
7-Zip压缩/解压缩性能,总体评分106.583GIPS,压缩速度83026KB/s,解压缩速度1330446KB/s,与锐龙7 7840HS不相上下。毕竟核显线程数都没有变化。V-Ray Benchmark渲染采样数量11906 vsamples,没有变化。锐龙7 8845HS处理器的集显依旧是Radeon 780M,Time Spy DX12模式GPU得分2884,CPU得分10895,FireStrike DX11...
Power Consumption- Cinebench R15 Multi Power Efficiency - external Monitor 37.4 Points per Watt(28%) +1 benchmarks and specifications+Show comparison chart - Range of benchmark values for this graphics card - Average benchmark values for this graphics card ...
The refreshed GPD Win Max 2's Ryzen 7 8840U APU was compared to the predecessor's Ryzen 7 7840U in CPU-Z benchmarks (standard and AX-512)—the results demonstrate a very slight difference in performance between generations. The 8040 and 7040 APUs share the same "Phoenix" basic CPU ...
显卡本来就是最好砍的,从Userbenchmark只有6%不到的结果来看,对比12 CU的6800U 23%,6800H 31%...
最近,许多泄漏和AMD的官 +2 分享2592 笔记本吧 通行证无效 AMD Ryzen 7 4800U性能曝光 CPU超越i9-9880H,核显提升60%就在昨晚,UserBenchmark网站上出现了一份来自与惠普EliteBook 845 G7笔记本的跑分,其搭载的Ryzen 7 4800U成绩之高难以置信。 之前在3Dmark的结果中我们知道Ryzen 7 4700U是一款8C8T处理器...