Right now there’s no way to undervolt or tweak this CPU, so the Turbo Stock profile is the best you’re going to get here. The Ryzen 7 4800H processor settles for clock speeds of 3.6+ GHz, temperatures of around 83-85 degrees Celsius and scores of 1800+ points, with a TDP of ...
Ryzen 7 4800H + RTX 2060 model: Far Cry 5 (95 CPU, 78 GPU), Witcher 3 (92 CPU, 79 GPU); Ryzen 5 4600H + GTX 1660Ti model: Far Cry 5 (94 CPU, 78 GPU), Witcher 3 (90 CPU, 75 GPU); Ryzen 7 3750H + RTX 2060 model: Far Cry 5 (87 CPU, 83 GPU), Witcher 3 (86...
I was nonetheless expecting better CPU/GPU thermals given the design of the thermal module. Perhaps the limited intake cuts on the bottom have a saying in this, but the bigger issue is also the fact that there’s no way to tweak, undervolt or limit the AMD Ryzen 7 processor, as Ryzen...
They've always liked to overvolt their stuff out of the box, but this is probably the first time you couldn't undervolt an AMD product that runs hot and high. There's gotta be a reason for that. I'd say they're actually pretty good at self-regulating. They're nothing if not ...