早些时候,AMD推出了Ryzen 7 5800X3D,这是第一款、也是迄今为止唯一一款采用3D垂直缓存(3D V-Cache)技术的消费级处理器,为CCD带来额外的64MB 7nm SRAM缓存,使得这款Zen 3架构处理器的L3缓存容量由32MB增加到96MB,容量达到了原来的三倍。由于3D垂直缓存芯片是安装在对应CCX上面的,所以相比于普通的AMD Ryzen 5000...
震惊😨! AMD ..突然把cf下载回来玩一玩,没想到5950x直接80度起步,温度稳定83-86度,离谱,难不成我还要再花几百搞一个四代i3主机去玩?5950x带CF直接80度起步也太离谱了,我玩其他游戏最高也才73度,正常都是70度以下
Hello, I recently bought ryzen 7 5800x3d cpu and I want to use Precision Boost Overdrive 2 for undervolting, but I can't enable it is BIOS settings. I use...
We are using PBO2 tuner to set an OC curve (AMD curve optimizer) 2) Why are we doing it? What are the Benefits? Because the 5800X3D is very much locked down on most Motherboards thanks to AMD and the Motherboard Manufacturers, most people won't be able to set CPU Ratio ...
amd 5800x 默认bio设置看个直播69度 这正常吗 Peter0829 网上有锁电压和频率的,比如锁4.6,1.2的,这样长时间会影响寿命吗?应该锁多少合适?第一次锁频 关pbo会关 但应该调哪个频率和哪个电压呀?华硕的板子 之前以为是硅脂没弄好 换了tfx还这样 散热是恩杰280水冷 还有就是待机40度左右 但频率待机稳不住4800 ...
https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/5800x-and-other-zen-3-chips-pbo-settings-temperature-fix... 0 Likes Reply Eyrikfox Journeyman III 07-31-2023 01:51 PM Empty heading Hi I have the same problem of overheat same CPU my config is ryzen 7 5800x 32gb ram 3060ti ...
Curve Optimizer also seems to be a BIOS setting according to this Reddit Thread User: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1471148-asus-released-bios-with-curve-optimizer-for-5800x3d/ I imagine if your BIOS doesn't have that option then you would need to have Ryzen Master ac...
IT之家 10 月 3 日消息 距离 AMD Ryzen 5000 系列发布会还有一星期的时间,现在 R9 5950X、R9 5900X、R7 5800X 等多款 CPU 跑分已经出现在了 CPU Monkey 网站上。如上图所示,在 CineBench R20 中 AMD 16 核 32 线程的 R9 5950X 单核跑分为 619 分,居榜首。12 核 24 线程的 R9 5900X 和 8 ...
B550主板既适配5600X,又支持PCIe 4.0高速数据传输,华硕 TUF GAMING B550M配备8+2相数字供电、Stack Cool3 3+设计,以及高效散热系统,可以为5600X提供强劲支持,让整体温度保持理想的状态,就算开启PBO也能轻松应对。此外,主板所具备的良好兼容性与扩展性,满足玩家在各种环境下的性能需求。
as well. That means we broke the 5 GHz barrier on our Ryzen 7 5800X and that's pretty impressive all by itself. Hitting the default maximum boost across all eight cores would have been a cherry on top, but alas, it was not meant to be. We're pretty confident that we've hit our...