Ryzen 5 7500F vs 5 7600x vs 5 7600X3D / 10 款游戏测试 / 1080p / RTX 4090 1.5万 14 2:40 App 7600X3D VS 9700X游戏实测对比 3191 1 0:43 App CPU不建议选7600X3D!游戏性能秒隔壁全家,而且自己人也打!前段时间的9600X 9... 3.4万 21 4:41 App 7800X3D与7500F都超频后FPS游戏基准和...
Ryzen 5 7600X平台的平均帧速为106 FPS,最低瞬时帧速为82 FPS,帧时间为8.3ms,CPU使用率为85%,功耗为90W,温度为66度,内存使用量为12.5GB,GPU使用率为61%,显存使用量为9.5GB,功耗为157W,温度为41度。在这款游戏中,Ryzen 5 7600X平台的CPU使用率比对手高7%,内存使用量低0.7GB,GPU使用率只高...
Ryzen 5 7600发布于2023年1月14日,采用台积电5纳米工艺,拥有6核12线程,一级缓存为384 KB,二级缓存为6MB,三级缓存为32MB,标准运行频率为3.8 GHz,最高运行频率为 5.1 GHz,功耗为65W,建议零售价为229美元。Radeon RX 7600发布于2023年5月24日,采用Navi 33 GPU,基于RDNA 3.0架构,台积电6纳米工艺,...
Ryzen 5 7600X采用台积电5纳米工艺,拥有6核12线程,一级缓存为384 KB,二级缓存为6MB,三级缓存为32 MB。标准运行频率为4.7 GHz,最高运行频率为 5.3 GHz,功耗为105W,建议零售价为299美元。二、测试平台配置 两个平台只有处理器和主板不同,其它的配件都是相同的。Ryzen 5 7600X搭载的主板是微星MEG X...
Ryzen 5 5600X平台,主板是微星X570S Carbon Wi-Fi,内存是32GB DDR4-3200 CL14,硬盘是微星Spatium M480 2TB,显卡是微星GeForce RTX 3090 Ti X Gaming Trio。Ryzen 5 7600X平台,主板是技嘉AORUS X670E Master,内存是32GB DDR5-6000 CL30,硬盘和显卡与Ryzen 5 5600X测试平台的配置相同。第一部分是...
Although the Ryzen 5 7600, like the other 7000-series AMD processors, is armed with an iGPU, you don’t want to use it for gaming even at resolutions lower than 1080p! Specs-wise, the AMD Radeon iGPU on the 7600 has two cores and a slower 2200MHz frequency. With those numbers, the...
综合来看,Ryzen 5 7600X3D除了拥有缓存容量更大的优势之外,其他方面都是处于劣势的,所以这场对比、较量将会很激烈,胜负难料。四、测试平台配置 主要配置如下:Core i5 14600K搭配的主板是华硕ROG Strix Z790-E Gaming,Ryzen 5 7600X3D搭配的主板是微星MPG X670E CARBON,其余的配件都是一样的。内存为32GB...
Ryzen 5 7600X is the company's most affordable offering for the Zen 4 family. Our review of the 7600X confirms that this new $300 CPU offers huge performance gains over Zen 3, and can even beat the Ryzen 5800X3D in gaming. In applications, the 7600X is f
Using the 360mm AIO was a better show for temperature readings. Pulling up to 90W from the socket, the CPU still hit high temperatures when stressed, but idle and gaming loads were vastly improved. Competition: How does it hold up against the Ryzen 5 7600X?
Ryzen 5 7600 is AMD's most-affordable Zen 4 processor. It retails for only $230 and even comes with a heatsink. The testing in our review confirms that the performance difference to the more-expensive 7600X is minimal, and gaming performance even beats t