Ryzen 8000系列代号为Granite Ridge,会有Zen5 和 Zen5c,预计与Ryzen 7000系列相同,推出带有3D缓存的版本。 另据Benchlife 消息,Ryzen 8000 系列会采用台积电4nm和3nm工艺,所以工艺上并没有想象中的那么快彻底过渡至3nm。 另外,下一代会继续沿用 AM5 针脚,兼容现有平台。TDP方面,依旧维持在65W-170W之间。 最后...
[6]https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/cpus/msi-bios-comes-with-a-new-105w-tdp-option-for-the-ryzen-5-9600x-and-ryzen-7-9700x-user-results-show-13-multi-core-performance-improvement [7]https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/mdpx2i/results_of_agesa_1201_patch_a_and_1202/ ...
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Reddit Review by:Andrei Girbea Andrei Girbea is a Writer and Editor-in-Chief here at Ultrabookreview.com. I write about mobile technology, laptops and computers in general. I've been doing it for more than 15 years now. I'm a techie with a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering. I mostly...
AMD虽然目前已经出到了第三代锐龙处理器,但第一代锐龙的R5 1600仍然有在生产和销售。近期国外媒体Tom's Hardware报道称,采用14nm制程的AMD Ryzen 5 1600近期推出了新版,制程提升在至12nm,性能更强更稳定。同时Reddit上也有网友发现,目前新出的能买到的R5 1600似乎比起之前的性能要好。
I went into AMD reddit looking for solutions too, and many people say my temp is normal and I should not worry if it below 95C like what you mean it is normal? 70C max while surfing the web is normal? creeping close to 90C while stress testing is normal? Creeping close to 80C ...
微星这个B450i的供电众所周知实在够猛,甚至可以比肩一众高端x570,供电规模按reddit上的am4 vrm评分表,带3950x超频也是不在话下(但vrm散热片确实规模不大,我觉得能完美带3900x就可以了已非常满意,手头没温枪先不测供电温度了)。缺点就是usb3.2 10gbps接口缺失、风扇接口少、声卡alc887太弱、后置m.2接口等等,...
I went into AMD reddit looking for solutions too, and many people say my temp is normal and I should not worry if it below 95C like what you mean it is normal? 70C max while surfing the web is normal? creeping close to 90C while stress testing is normal? Creeping close to 80...
(卑微) 分享5赞 amd吧 赵DNF 【Reddit】AMD Ryzen 5 1600测试转Dip dip potato chip Reddit上的秘鲁买家u/zeroshujin提前拿到了Ryzen 5 1600 默电比较低 平台 CPU AMD Ryzen R5 1600【6C/12T,3.20-3.60GHz】 GPU MSI RX 470 4GB 内存 Corsair Vengeance LED 3000 MHz x2 机箱 NZXT S340 电源 Cooler ...
(M.2 NVME) 显卡: 机箱:爱国者机箱 YOGO M3 白色 3.0 电源:长城电源 GW--EPS750SC(90+) 巨龙金牌 S7全模组 750W 全日系 大佬们 这个配置配个什么显卡合适 分享412 amd吧 赵DNF AMD Ryzen 7 1700X买家提前那货,基准和发布结果转国外的wccftech 一个用户的reddit得到了他的AMD Ryzen 7 1700X CPU的...