集霸们,打不开,救救..HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv Wait: GPU processing thread is too slow, waiting on CPU...00:01:19.701 |E|
一进剧情就卡死,在这个界面不动,然后代码出来这样一串,有大佬知道怎么解决吗?00:03:02.370 |W| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv Wait: GPU processing thread is too slow, waiting on CPU...00:03:03.370 |E| HLE.OsThread.10 Gpu WaitOnSyncpoint: Wait on syncpoint 1 for threshold 50940 took more than...
00:00:53.100 |W| HLE.OsThread.4 ServiceNv Wait: GPU processing thread is too slow, waiting on CPU... 00:00:53.554 |W| HLE.OsThread.4 ServiceNv Wait: GPU processing thread is too slow, waiting on CPU... 00:01:55.651 |S| HLE.OsThread.47 ServiceAcc CheckAvailability: Stubbed. 00...
3060龙神玩王泪不..GPU processing thread is too slow, waiting on CPU。。。日志里这样写的,驱动最新,显卡也设置的独显,还是会玩十几分钟闪退,有吧友懂吗设置的还是1x,gpu利用率才50
HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv Wait: GPU processing thread is too slow, waiting on CPU...电脑太废柴的意思吗 9楼2022-11-11 22:31 收起回复 kimgejian 默默无闻 1 我的也是闪退,但没有报错,我的也没有勾 10楼2022-11-11 22:57 回复 離...
开游戏后黑屏这段代码..00:00:31.068 |W| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceNv Wait: GPU processing thread is too slow, waiting on CPU...
宝可梦剑盾卡死..宝可梦剑盾极巨化的时候卡死,控制台显示这个 HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceNv Wait: GPU processing thread is too slow, waiting on
正式会员 4 00:00:14.101 |W| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv Wait: GPU processing thread is too slow, waiting on CPU...打开游戏这样了是什么意思? 9楼2022-04-20 22:23 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示19...
The reason for that is simple: in docked mode the device is not running on battery power, which allow slightly higher clock speeds to be used by the CPU/GPU. This increases their processing speed and makes increases in resolution possible without too much of a compromise on the frame rate....