Warrior Baseball NY696 米 Westchester Children's Museum2.8公里 Capilla Del Santísimo, Parroquia Del Santo Rosario985 米 Our Lady the Rosary Church / Parish of Saint John Bosco1.04公里 Rye Historical Society1.31公里 El Olivar Pentecostal1.1公里 ...
Weinberg, Helen.The New Novel in America: The Kafkan Mode in Contemporary Fiction. Cornell University Press, 1970. This book analyzes the similarities betweenThe Catcher in the Ryeand the works of Franz Kafka. Alsen, Eberhard.Salinger's Glass Stories as a Composite Novel. Troy, NY: Whitson P...
Warrior Baseball NY696 米 Westchester Children's Museum2.8公里 Larry’s Fishing Charters1.26公里 Capilla Del Santísimo, Parroquia Del Santo Rosario985 米 Our Lady the Rosary Church / Parish of Saint John Bosco1.04公里 Rye Historical Society1.31公里 ...